Draco's Fall

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Note: buckle up, people, this is the day I break Draco Malfoy in tiny pieces. His path towards “balls-growth” starts here, on june 30th, and will only end on the early hours of july 1st. That will cover four chapters – it’ll be a freakishly long day.


On the last day of June, Hermione arrived in her office to be greeted by two purple envelopes on her desk, one addressed to her and the other to Malfoy Enterprises; and she immediately knew what that was about:

The approval of the new Wolfsbane!

She quickly opened her envelope and read the official document that gave HélèneLabs the requested permission to brew and distribute that new Wolfsbane version.

I have to tell Draco about this! – they had both worked hard on that formula and it was his the company that would work on making it.

She quickly penned a letter to the Head of the Malfoy Enterprises – a formal, strictly Ministry-business letter – and moved on to her other responsibilities for that day.

A few minutes after her assistant had left with the letter, Hermione received the visits of Pansy and Blaise – who had stopped by to check on her and to send their love to the babies.

She smiled, knowing that soon it would be Charlie who would appear there: she had barely thought of it and she heard his voice talking to her assistant.

“Is my beautiful fiancée in?”

“Yes, Mr. Weasley.” Replied Vicky. “You can go in, sir.”

And the door was opened wide.

“Good morning, beautiful fiancée.”

Hermione chuckled; ever since they had told his family and officialised their engagement, he had started to call her that.

“Good morning, Charlie.” Hermione replied, standing up to hug him.

“How are my sweet babies doing today?” he asked, touching her belly as he laid a kiss on her forehead.

“I haven’t seen my breakfast a second time this morning yet. So it’s all good.”

“That’s great. Harry is still giving me a side-eye and hasn’t talked to me since we told everyone about the babies.”

“Well, as long as he doesn’t cause us any problem-”

She stopped talking as her eyes fell on an unexpected blond presence at her door.

“Employees are allowed private meetings during work hours now?” Draco scowled as he walked in, his eyes going to the ginger man’s hand still resting on her baby bump. “This place has really gone to the dogs!” He finished sharply.

“Watch your mouth, Malfoy!” Charlie growled.

“It’s Lord Malfoy to you, Weasley!” Draco snarled in return.

Hermione suddenly noticed the signet ring on his left hand pinkie finger – something he had never worn before.

“Why are you here?” she asked.

He didn’t dare tell her to address him by his new title, he just stared at her for two silent seconds before speaking: “I need the official document that allows my company to begin the production of the new Wolfsbane. You sent me a letter but I believe it was too much for you to add the document to the envelope as well.”

Hermione seemed embarrassed for not having thought of that, “I was,” she stammered, hating him right then, “I was too excited with the approval to think of doing that, Lord Malfoy.” she spoke with all the sarcasm she could muster; anger boiling up inside of her the more she looked at him standing there all perfectly dressed, not a hair out of place. “And you could have sent your secretary to fetch it for you.” Her tone making her anger clear.

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