The Sacred Twenty-six

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After dancing three songs in Draco’s arms, Hermione had to resume her rounds around the party; so he kissed the corner of her mouth and let her go, returning to his table and watching her as she played the role of the hostess beautifully.

“So,” Hermione heard Pansy ask when she reached the table where her friends were. “How does it feel to be the next scandal about to happen?”

Hermione glanced from her to Ginny, Theo, Harry and Blaise, asking: “What are you talking about?”

“Granger,” Pansy continued with a smirk. “my mother has just arrived at the party and yet she already heard four different versions of how Draco abandoned Astoria to marry you in secret.”

Hermione groaned.

“I guess the hiding phase is over?” asked Harry, smiling.

“Yes.” Hermione said, looking a little nervous, “He wanted to propose minutes ago, in front of everybody.” She whispered.

“Holy shit!” exclaimed Ginny.

“What?” asked Pansy and Theo.

“Did he?” asked Blaise, frowning.

“No.” Hermione shook her head. “He said he feared I’d hex him.”

“So... you and him are good?” Asked Theo.

“Well,” she sighed. “after a week of letters, conversations through a two-way parchment, and the scandal-about-to-happen that we’ve just starred in... I think it’s very clear Draco doesn’t want to hide our relationship.”

“Cristal clear.” added Ginny with a snort. “My mother heard through Xeno Lovegood that Draco was close to fucking you on the dancefloor.”

Hermione gasped: “That’s not true! You all saw us dancing!”

“Did you offer though?” asked Theo with a smirk. “I know Draco, and I can tell you he’s not against public sex.”

Hermione blushed, clearly letting them know she knew that.

“And I see that you know that.” added Theo.

“Nope! No details!” exclaimed Harry. “I already know more than enough about my sister’s sex life.

“Well, Hermione,” said Pansy with a comprehensive smile. “I know that what Draco did-”

“Deserves a couple of Unforgivables.” added Blaise.

And all five friends looked at him.

“What?” asked Blaise defensively. “Theo and he were both raised under the same social pressures – only Draco grew up an asshole!”

“Yeah, man.” said Theo, his tone understanding. “But I never liked my father, for he was always cheating on my mother and belittling me. Draco, however, grew up in a loving household. As strict as Lucius always was, he never hit him; and it’s undeniable that the man loves and cherishes Narcissa, he respects her and would kiss the floor she stepped on. He was a good father to Draco, always on his side, giving him whatever he wanted. It took Draco years to open his eyes. Only when-” he looked at Hermione.

“When” they all heard Draco’s voice as he stopped beside Hermione, a hand resting on her waist. “A certain muggleborn witch showed up at Hogwarts, making me question everything I had learned about blood-purity.” He touched her face lovingly.

Theo snorted, “It sounds cute when he says it, but it was a pain to hear him complain about you every fucking day!”

Hermione’s eyes filled with mischief as she gazed into his grey ones, “So my hitting you back on third year-”

Ending The Sacred Twenty-Eight (Dramione)Where stories live. Discover now