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A/N: Please read Percy Jackson Pirate AU by @lackadaisical_nerd before this one. Thank you for your time :).

Feeling the wind on his face, looking out at the ocean, Percy couldn't help but feel a sense of remorse, the thought of being able to share this with Annabeth. 


The look of betrayal haunted his nightmares, the one face that ends it. He has done that many times before, but with Annabeth, he felt true joy. Her smile lit up the whole ship, and maybe in a different universe, where he wasn't a pirate, he would get together with her.

He had made many mistakes in his life - but Annabeth was the biggest one. He knew that deep down, he shouldn't get attached, that what he would be doing would break his heart. However, his heart didn't  listen.

"Hey," Piper walked up to the platform, looking at Percy with cold eyes. She had never forgiven him for what he had done to Annabeth, but he never had the heart to tell her that her disapproval was only making it worse. 

"Hi," he replied. The silence between them was awkward, only being pierced by the sound of the rushing  waves, the wind roaring and sea salt spraying in their face.

"You know, you can't stand out here forever."

"I can try."

The words slipped out of Percy's mouth, the wound in his heart too fresh to be prodded on. Had he not done it to Annabeth...

"Well, we wouldn't be having this conversation if you didn't kill Annabeth," the words that came out of Piper's mouth were like poison, seeping into his brain and slowly killing his heart.

"I know." 

"I thought you had changed, Percy! I thought you had moved on!" Piper shouted suddenly, her words bitter. 

And suddenly, Percy was taken back to when he was 12 years old. He lost his heart that day. And now he lost even more.

"Piper, how can I move on when every time I look in the mirror, I am reminded of her?" he asked the bitter girl.

"You killed her! You're a murderer! For too long, I've sat and watched girls die, but you've gone past the line!" Piper shouted. 

"I know." His voice cracked and when he met Piper's eyes, he was met with a wall of fury. After a few seconds, she stalked away. Percy saw the pain in her figure, saw everyone sobbing in their rooms like they did every time this had happened.

Percy swore he would change, but the change never came.


That night, his nightmares were even worse than before. They left a scar, too big to leave, the reminder of everything he had done coming back to bite him.

The blackness of the night was like a blanket laid over Long Island. No voices were to be heard, only a terrifying silence that left Percy waiting for something to happen. 


And then a scream, strong and guttural ruined the eerie silence that the night  held. Percy held the bloody sword.

And in front of him - Annabeth.

Her face was contorted into a look of fear and hate and pain. Percy's heart broke, but then he reminded himself that he did what he had to do. Annabeth didn't deserve this, to face the wrath of a broken Percy. But she did and for that, she was forever unlucky.

He watched as she fell to the ground with a thump, her lifeless eyes staring at the stars above, dancing in the midnight blue sky.

Shadows wrapped around him. He screamed, but instead he fell into Death's arms. Annabeth's face came back to haunt him again.

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