Chapter 1

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KEY Your POV, Gus' POV

       I rested my head on the steering wheel & spoke to myself, "Please let me get this job, I have been turned down so many times. I need to find a job by the end of the week just make my stress go away."

       I lifted my head & grabbed my resume folder from the passenger seat before getting out of my car. I fixed my tie before heading toward the restaurant. Maybe I had overdressed, dress for the job you want right? I wore a fancy black suit which was proving to be a bad idea in this Albuquerque heat. I stepped inside & was immediately met with the cool breeze of the AC & the ding of the doorbell. I walked up to the front where the cash registers were located.

"Hello, I'd like to apply are you hiring?"

"Uh, let me ask my boss."

"Thank you so much."

        I stepped back & looked around the room noticing a security camera turning back & forth. When it reached my direction it stopped, which confused me. Did I look suspicious? I nervously fixed my tie once more. A woman in a white t-shirt & grey pants walked in my direction along with the cashier from earlier.

"Hey, this is my boss."

"Hello! I heard you'd like to apply to work here, is that true?"

"Yes," I piped up, "I would love to work with Los Pollos Hermanos."

         I heard a door open up as the manager directed me to a booth. She sat down facing me & laid her hands on the table, "Alright, so tell me why you'd like to-"

"Cynthia, I can take this one," A low, smooth voice interrupted.

          I looked up to see a well-dressed man with gold, thin glasses on. He had nice, dark skin & short black hair. He smiled at me as Cynthia stood up & he took her seat. The man held his hand out to me, "Hello, I am Gus Fring, the owner of this establishment."

I quickly reached out to shake the man's hand eagerly, "Oh my, it is an honor to meet you Mr. Fring, I am Y/N L/N. I can't put my finger on it but you seem familiar."

"That is quite odd, maybe you have seen one of my ads on the television? Nonetheless, to my understanding, you are applying for a job here?"

"Yes sir, if I'm completely honest I'm in serious need of a job. I have a kid that I'm the sole provider for, my dad doesn't want me working in his business, I'm just really stressed about this whole thing &-"

I grabbed Y/N's hand & looked into their eyes, "Hey, it's okay. Let's start with what's your father's business?"

"He works in the DEA. He doesn't want me in law enforcement despite the fact that I have the training, he says it's too much danger."

 "Ah," I feigned surprise.

         I want to help Y/N but having someone with connections to the DEA working under me is risky. Yet I see something in this man, potential? Maybe. I'll take it slow & see what happens. This could be the opportunity to get closer to the DEA that I have been looking for. Then again I may finally be able to see more of Y/N. 


          I watched as volunteers set up water stations along the 5k route. It was the 17th annual DEA fun run & I was able to sponsor it this year to build my cover. On top of that, I volunteered to sit at one of the water stations to prepare cups for any runners that needed it. The DEA chief George Merkert walked up to me with a young man in tow. 

"Gus Fring, thank you so much for sponsoring our fun run," Merkert offered to shake my hand.

I took his hand in mine with a smile, "Of course, Officer Merkert. It is my pleasure, & this is...?"

"This is my son, Y/N. Fresh out of college, trying to become a police officer to my chagrin," Merkert laughed, "Oh & please, call me George."

"Of course," I spoke before turning to Y/N.

           He had me at a loss for words. I had never seen anyone so stunning, not since- it hurts to remember. He reached his hand out to me & I shook my head before taking it. I snapped out of the trance as he greeted me, "Thank you again, Mr. Fring."

(End of Flashback)

"I think I can start you as a cashier, when are you able to start working?"

"I- as soon as I can! Thank you so much, Mr. Fring!"

"Of course, would you be able to learn the ropes now?"

I watched the young man drop his head, "I-I'm sorry sir, I have to pick up my son from elementary school in 30 minutes, it's a 15-minute drive."

"That's perfectly fine Y/N, why would I be mad about that?"

They only seemed to get more flustered, "I don't know. I'm sorry. I'll go pick them up now & hurry back."

"Don't worry Y/N, take all the time you need."

           Despite my reassurance, they hurried out of the restaurant & I watched him climb into his small car. I looked off into the distance as I pondered what that man made me feel. I've learned it's a bad idea to have feelings in this business, that lesson was taught to me a long time ago. But dear god this young man had my attention. I stood up deciding to get some work done to pass the time.

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