Chapter 6

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KEY: Your POV, Gus' POV

A/N: I'm trying to do more so Gus' POV, might move into just Gus' POV. I'm debating it, but I'm starting to like writing first person x readers in the other character's perspective solely. We'll see what happens, just thinking aloud. Also sometimes I forget to use He/Him pronouns & use they a bunch, shhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

      I found myself unable to take my eyes off Y/N the entire dinner. They were the only thing on my mind despite the delicious food & babbling child beside me. It was like when a camera focuses on one thing while the rest of the world becomes a blur. As I finished my bowl, I took a cursory glance at the other two bowls that sat on the table. Both near empty or empty already. I stood up & walked to the other side of the table, looking down at Y/N.

"Would you like me to take your bowl?"

He smiled up at me, "Oh, yes. Thank you, Gus."

       I grabbed Y/N's bowl & placed it in mine, skipping Tommy as he continued eating. I set down each bowl in the sink & scrubbed at them until I heard Tommy finish up.

"Tommy, can you bring me your bowl?"

"Mhm! Thank you for the food!"

"Of course, anything for you two."

       After I finished washing the dishes I pulled out two glasses & a bottle of old wine. A chair pulled away from the table behind me & I turned quickly to face it.

Y/N stood up, walking towards his son, "I'm going to help Tommy to bed. Should he sleep on the couch?"

"What? Oh no, he can stay in the guest bedroom. I'll show you."

        I walked off towards the guest bedroom with Tommy & Y/N in tow, hearing small yawns come from the boy as we walked. It occurred to me that it was kind of weird that I had a guest bedroom, I considered turning it into storage a bit ago. Good thing I didn't.

"Here we are," I spoke as I opened the door & held a hand out towards the room. 

"Alright buddy, hop into bed. Save some space for me," Y/N directed & Tommy followed suit. 

      I'd do my best to convince Y/N to stay in another bed but if they insist, I'll have to settle with just me & my thoughts filling my room. Y/N closed the door quietly as his kid dozed off. I offered him my hand with a small smile plastered on my face. They looked me in the eyes for a moment before letting a smile form & taking my hand. I led him back to the kitchen where I had previously set out two glasses & popped open the bottle of wine. I poured myself a glass before nodding toward Y/N with curious eyes.

"Sure, I'd love some. What kind of wine is it?"

"Palmeri," I spoke as I finished pouring, handing Y/N the bottle, "Here, you can take a look."

His eyes widened as he read the label, "Oh my god, this thing is what- twenty years old? Gus you don't have to bring out something this rich for me. I drink corner-store boxed wine if that. I'm a wasted pallet," his voice fell to a whisper, "I'm like... wine mom level sad."

I let out a laugh & placed my hand on top of his before bringing a teasing edge to my voice, "Wine mom, what even is- haha. I feel so old with you, Y/N. I'll show you, do what I do."

"Alright," he looked down, flushed cheeks somehow making his eyes even prettier.

"First, you look at the wine. Take in the sight, wine can be quite beautiful."

       Y/N pulled their glass close & looked down into it, looking a little confused but I can see that he's trying hard to figure it out. I let out a light sigh, not of disappointment but... peace.

"Alright, now you swirl the glass around. Like this," I placed my hand on the bottom of the glass & moved it in quick circles, "It really brings the aromatic notes out, separating them from the wine & enhancing the smell & taste."

        I watched Y/N longingly as they stood opposite of me against the island. He leaned forward against the marble & swirled it slowly, his tongue stuck out slightly as he focused. His sleeves were rolled up, still in his work uniform. His eyes looked tired, we should probably head to bed after this.

"Now, smell it & then take a sip."

        The familiar, wonderful taste of wine hit my mouth after I spoke. It felt like home for some reason, brought me peace. Y/N's eyes widened as he took a sip.

"This is delicious, holy shit!"

"I'm glad you like it," the music, the wine, Y/N looking amazing- it all distracted me. I lost my train of thought, "Would you like to watch a movie?"

"Sure! I wish I could change out of my work clothes into something comfy though. My jeans & button-up aren't amazing either."

Opportunity struck, I practically blurted out my words, "You can wear some of mine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah of course, I have some old clothes I never wear anymore. Sweatpants, comfy t-shirts, etcetera." 

"That sounds amazing right now," he admitted, "I'll take you up on the offer."

"My room is just down that hall, I'll set up the movie while you find something."

        It felt weird being alone in Gus' room, a good weird- I think. It was well-decorated but simple. Black bedspread with dark, wooden furniture. I found my way to the drawers, digging through to find some old clothes. Once I found a decent outfit, that being comfy & not ripped, I sat down on the corner of Gus' bed. My eyes caught a framed picture of Gus with another man, they were young & so happy.

"Max," I breathed out, barely over a whisper.

         I felt myself fixating on a perfect setup, arranging & rearranging the pillows over & over. Setting the same pillow down for the seventh time, I finally sat down, wine glass in hand. I took another sip as I turned the TV on. Oh god, another choice. What movie do we watch? My panic was interrupted by the sound of my bedroom door opening & closing. I turned my head to see Y/N pulling a black shirt over his head as he made his way back to me. I got a quick glance at his upper body & quickly turned back to face the TV, hoping he hadn't seen me looking his way. He walked around the couch before hopping down next to me, grabbing his wine glass.

"Oh, hey- didn't hear you coming," I tried my best to keep my voice from wavering.

         I can lie to strangers, police, the goddamn DEA, but not this man. I can barely keep up the facade that I'm not interested in him. How the hell am I going to make it much longer as 'just friends.'

A/N: Bonk, two chapters in like two or three days? Unheard of honestly. I'm possibly reobsessed with this storyline. My writing may be getting better from the sheer amount of tumblr fanfiction I've been reading lately (I have a problem). Anyways, comments, concerns, etc? Have a wonderful night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2023 ⏰

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