Chapter 4

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KEY: Your POV, Gus' POV

"Well hey, my offer is still on the table if you'd like to stay with me."

"It feels like I'd be asking way too much. You fixed my car, drove me home, gave my kid free food, & gave me money for a cab! You've done way too much for me & we've just met, I couldn't ask any more of you."

I cupped Y/N's cheek in my hand & brought their eyes up to look at mine, "You're not asking me, you never have. I'm asking if I can help you."

          Y/N tried to look away but I held their face up. I froze for a moment admiring their beautiful e/c eyes. I wiped tears off their face with my thumb.

"Please Y/N, let me help you. It is truly not a problem for me."

Their voice fell to a pained whisper, "Okay."

"Thank you, take all the time you need out here. I'm going to make sure everything is in order inside, you can take time excluded from your break to get your kid then we'll move further from there. How does that sound?"

Y/N wiped their tears & nodded, "That sound's good."

        I headed inside & called Mike to update him on the Walter White nonsense. Y/N climbed into their car & drove off.

"Oh, also. Can you tail Y/N just in case they're going somewhere other than their son's school?"

"Of course."

           I pulled up to the elementary school. My son ran to my car with his head down, pulling open the back door & hopping in.

"Hey kiddo, are you okay?"

"Yeah," Tommy replied softly.

"If you want to talk about anything I'm here for you."

"I'm fine."

             I'm almost sure something is on his mind but maybe he just needs time to himself. I decided to leave him be & turn up the music while I drove back to work. Now did not seem like the time to bring up the eviction notice. When we arrived at work Tommy seemed to be a little excited. We got out of the car & Tommy ran inside the restaurant & right to Mr. Fring. 

"Woah, hey there!" Mr. Fring laughed with a bright smile on his face.

"Can I have ice cream, Mr. Fring?"

I gave the boy a chuckle, "If your dad says yes."

               The boy looked at Y/N with puppy dog eyes as they walked up to the two of us. He gave us a dopey smile & jokingly rolled his eyes, "Fiiiiine."

"Yay!" Tommy celebrated.

I beckoned Y/N to follow me towards the kitchen, "We should be able to head out within the hour. If you don't mind taking some orders while I work on things then that would be wonderful."

"Of course, Mr. Fring."

"I've been meaning to say Y/N, you can call me Gus."

They froze up a little, "O-Oh, okay Gus."

               I gave him a small smile before preparing the ice cream cone for Tommy. After handing the cone to the boy, I headed back to my office. I flipped open my computer to check up on the progress of the lab. Gale Boetticher is the man I hired to build my lab. He is a wonderful worker, my one problem is he continuously vouches for Walter White's skill. He's practically begging me to hire him when I do not trust this poor excuse for a chemistry teacher.

              I handed another order out to a customer with a cheery smile. I returned to the cash register, ready to take another order. I felt a hand rest on my shoulder, "Okay, we can head out now. I'll have someone take over your place."

"I'm not done with my shift, Mr.- Gus."

"It's truly not a problem Y/N, you have done quite enough work today."

              I got flustered once more by the man's kindness & looked away, I noticed my coworker Vanessa glaring at me.  I turned back to Gus & nodded before going to get Tommy.

"Hey kiddo, we're leaving early today."


"We're going to spend the night at Mr. Fring's house."

"Yes, I'm going to cook you some delicious food then you can play in my big backyard, we can get some toys along the way!"


"Yes, of course!"

"Gus there's no need to spoil us," I stammered.

"Why not? You said it yourself you're a single father just trying to take care of his kid, who deserves it more?"

               Y/N fell silent & blushed. I led the two to my car & opened the door for Y/N. They quietly thanked me & climbed inside. I pulled up the GPS to the nearest Toys R Us & began our drive.

(A trip of Gus spoiling your son later)

           I pulled up to my house & noticed Y/N's mouth drop a little in shock. I chuckled to myself, I guess I do have a pretty big place. Maybe I subconsciously planned for the day I'd take in these two. I unlocked the doors & we all headed inside, Tommy carrying a mound of toys in his small hands. I pulled out my keys & after what felt like a long day, I finally stepped foot in my home. I took in the familiar scents, making me immediately feel at ease. I pointed Tommy to my backyard & he ran off excitedly.

I turned to Y/N & extended my hand out to him, "Let me cook you something delicious."

            They returned a small smile & took my hand. I turned on the radio & beautiful classical began playing. I shrugged my shoulders & repressed a smirk as I spoke, "May I have this dance?"

"Yes, you may," he stifled a laugh.

             I pulled Y/N close to me & placed my hands loosely on their hips. They draped their arms on my shoulders, lightly clasping them together behind my head. I began leading them into a slow dance. Y/N looked down at the floor, their cheeks were flushed bright red. I lifted my right hand to their chin & pulled their head up so their eyes met mine. 

"No need to be shy, I don't bite."

             They looked down at my lips then back to my eyes. I felt my heart race. I leaned in a little I pulled their hips closer to mine. A thud made the two of us jump. A few thuds followed.

Tommy had knocked on the sliding glass door, "I need help!"

"What's wrong?" I asked as I ran to the door.

"The door was locked."

"Ah," I turned back to Y/N to see them looking down with their hands in their pockets, "Well, now seems like a good time to get dinner started."

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