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"You need to get up, you haven't done shit all day." I groaned out in displeasure at hearing this hoe's voice. I really convinced myself I was dreaming, but sadly, it was all real. Everything.

"I been tied up all damn day." Her face frowned up. "That don't mean shit. You could have asked me to untie, then I would know to lock everything up. I know you would probably try to leave." She explained.

Hell yeah, was what I was thinking, but I knew better. "I'm not trying to get clocked again." (Ha, get it?)

Her face turned into a soft pout as if I was baby. "Aww, baby. I'm so sorry about that. You know how much I care about you, I just want you to be here with me, okay baby?" She said with tears welling up in her eyes.

"What chu' cryin' fa?". "I'm sorry, it's just my hormones going wild." She smiled while fanning. Nah hoe, that's ya' mind goin wild. Psycho ass

"What's going on witcha na?" I was already scared of what her response could be. "I'm pregnant, Aug. We're going to have a family." My face went from confused to a poker face. I haven't touched ya crazy ass in years, man.

"I'on know bout all of that, na'. We'en e'en did nun in how long? Too got damn long fa' a baby ta jus be appearing." She let out a breath of frustration and threw her head back. "Look, I'll show you." She kept the same smile plastered on her face.

She ran out of the guest room she had me locked in and returned with a zip-loc bag that had a pregnancy test in it. "Look at it. We're having a baby." The test actually showed positive, but just like that pregnancy test, I was positive that I didn't impregnate this woman.

"Wow." Was all I could say, simply because, there was nothing I could say. I guess I was happy for her, but I felt sorry for the kid. If she's really having one.

Missy - 7 months exact

"Lyric, come here!" I shouted. "Yes, mommy." she walked in while rubbing her eyes. "Why are your eyes so red, baby?" she crawled in the bed and clung onto me. "I miss daddy." she said, crying into my chest. "I know, me too baby." I spoke while rocking her.

I've tried calling his phone multiple times for the past two days he's been gone, but to no avail. I've went against what the doctor said about staying close to home by going by the studio. I even went to his close friend slash producer's house. No one knew where he was.

Lyric has been nonstop crying and asking for him, but I had no answers either. I've cried myself, but I've been keeping all the stressing to a minimum since I'm in my seventh month. My third trimester. The most important part of my pregnancy.

I was snapped out of my phone ringing. I looked to see that it was my mother. She'd been calling me all day every day since August's disappearance to check on me just to make sure me, baby and Lyric are okay.

"Hey ma." I answered. "Hey baby. What's been going on? Still nothing?" I sighed at the thought. "Nothing ma." I whined into the phone.

"I don't know what's going on. I feel like I'm going crazy just thinking about it." I said as I wiped the tears that were rolling off my cheek once I made sure that Lyric wasn't looking. Only because I knew it would make her worry as well, which I didn't need.

"Stop all that stressing, it's not good for my babies. I know it's hard, but you're pregnant as hell with not one, but two babies. This is way different than when you were carrying Lyric. Matter fact, I'm coming down there. I'll be there around 7 or 8 o'clock tonight. Okay? Keep a positive mind for the time being."

After exchanging I love you's and hanging up, I got up to make Lyric something to eat since it was time for her to eat lunch. Just like when I was pregnant with Lyric, I was having aversions, the complete opposite of cravings. So, I wasn't really eating much except for some saltine crackers with water.

I went to watch TV, but once again, I was interrupted by my phone ringing. This time by an August's phone number. My heart skipped a beat or two before I jumped to get the phone.

"Hello?" I said more as a question. "Yeah, this isn't August." A familiar female voice replied. Obvious-fucking-ly. "Ok, who is this?"

"Don't worry about it, fat girl." the girl said. By this time, I knew it was Lisa's dumb ass. "Lisa, where is my husband?" As soon as I'd said her name, she hung up on me.

My mom had arrived to the house a little after 8. We were currently discussing the phone call I'd just received. Lyric was currently in her room knocked out while we were at the kitchen table.

"I guess this hoe forgot that I know where she lives." I spoke causing my mother to let out a small chuckle. She was stuck deep in her thoughts about what could be happening.

"Do you think he's cheating on me, ma?" I questioned with tears rolling down my cheeks. "Let's just stay positive and steer clear of stress." she spoke calmly.

I gathered up enough courage and came up with a 'plan'. "We need to go tonight, so he won't leave before I can get there." she nodded in agreement.

"Call Shay to watch Lyric and I'll go in and talk to them. You're too far along to risk anything. I'm already doing too much by letting you leave." I hated how useless I was right now.

"Alright ma. Call Shay."

I just would like to end this off by apologizing for my new timing for the updates. I used to update like two or three times a day or at least once every day or other day, but now it's like once every two weeks. School has been ass for me, honestly. I've been filled up with work, now I'm starting on a research paper. Writing essays and papers for school isn't that bad, but it's the fact that I have to keep on going on with this topic for pages and pages, and it's not like it's about August lmao.. but seriously.

Another reason my updates have slowed down is b/c I have a friend whose been on and off staying with me because of her problems at home. Keep in mind, I'm still just 16 myself. So, it's not easy going to being alone (except my mom and siblings) majority of the time to having an extra person with you literally, all the time. We wake up together, go to school together, eat together, go to sleep in the same room together. I'm always having someone with me, which is distracting me from updating as well. I've been trying to do it on my phone, but I don't know, it's just not like how it is doing it on the computer, which I'm doing now. On my phone, I can't emphasize like I want to and all'at good shit.

ALSO, I want to apologize for all the grammatical errors in the last update. I was literally falling asleep while I was writing it. I was trying so hard to update for you guys with a little humor, hence the reason why August was peeing on bitches. I think the update was pretty good though, what you think? Opinions?

Now, off this long ass note... I'm splitting this up into 2 parts.

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