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I was sitting in the house by myself, of course. Nobody was hitting me up with work since I'd taken a break off for the twins. Missy took the kids and got the hell out of here.

I'm not surprised she did either. I'm hurt, but what can I say? I'm a fuck up and I know it. I cheated on the one who's been down for me. Then, I stole her pills and popped them. I was thinking about going and popping some more, but went against it. I didn't want to get addicted them shits.

After a while of staring at the ceiling, I decided on seeing how Missy was doing. She's been at her mom's house for the last few days, but she hasn't been herself. She doesn't talk or anything. I tried everything, but nothing works. Mama T said she won't even talk to her. The kids miss her and I damn sure do. I did my damage though and I wanted to give her time to recuperate from it all.

I still couldn't fully understand her reaction. At first, she was pissed about but now she's just on some other shit. It's like she's dead. I even called in a home doctor on her. They said she's using this silence as a coping mechanism from all the traumatic events that have taken place recently.

I know I fucked up when I cheated, but can you really call it traumatizing? Hurtful, yes I know. Traumatizing? That's just being a little dramatic. She acting like I fucked her close relative. I don't know how much more sorry I could be, but I can't tell her if she won't listen.

I hated it when she was mad at me, but now I wish she still was cussing me out and beating my ass. At least I would know she's okay. She's just a vegetable now. She opens her eyes, but she just looks around the room most of the time. We keep the door closed and locked just so the kids won't bust in and bother her.


When I pulled up to Mama T's house, I seen Lyric playing outside with some bubbles like it was summer outside and Mama T sitting on the porch with her. She had the door open, but the screen door was closed. I'm guessing she did that so she could keep an eye on all three of them without the twins getting cold out here.

I pulled in the driveway slowly to make sure Lyric wouldn't try nothing crazy like running in the driveway. I hopped out my truck and once I slammed my door, it was over. I was attacked by a Wild Lyric out of nowhere. "Daddy!" was probably heard in all the neighbors' houses from Lyric's big mouth.

"Hey, baybeh! How's my big three year old?"

I picked her up and swung her around in circles until I felt dizzy my damn self. "I'm okay, daddy. Wanna see something?!" She shouted. She was nodding already, so I knew what that meant. If I said no then I wouldn't heard the end of it. Lyric and her tantrums were nothing I felt like dealing with today.

"Let me speak to mom-mom before you show me, okay?" She nodded and wiggled her way out of my arms and continued to play by herself. As I walked over to Mama T, a smile grew on her face. At first, Mama T whooped my ass and cussed my out every time I came to pick up or drop off the kids. After a while, it stopped. She says she still hates me for what I've done, but loves me for giving her Lyric and the boys.

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