Chaper 2

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This morning I wake up to my sister getting herself ready for school while walking through my room to head downstairs. Our room was one till we put a wall up splitting it into two. She has to walk through my room to get in and out of hers. Fun.

When finally finished I was about to full back to sleep until my phone go off. I grab it checking and seeing its my manager messaging I sit myself up and read.

S- Could you come in a little more earlier this morning please will need a bit of a hand training up the temps. Exsta half hour break and overtime money. X

J- Yeah sure I'm happy to help you know I am. What sort of time? X

S- Round half ten if that's alright? X

J- Yeah no problem. See you soon. X

With that I put my phone down get myself out my bed and go to my wardrobe getting myself dressed earlier then I thought so I can get myself to work. I change into my normal black jeans with a blue long sleave top and blue convers with my black leather jacket.

When I'm finished in my bedroom I grab my phone and my bag then head downstairs to the bathroom brush my teeth brush my hair and put half of it up showing more of my colour off in my hair when I do it.

When I'm all done I check the time and see its time to go so I leave the house locking it up and heading to the bus stop. When I get on I put my headphones on and relax myself down waiting for my stop.

Once I'm off the bus I quickly head to cafe for a smoothy for some energy and then head to work when I get in I see our security guard. "Hey Moe"

"How early you you today Jenny?"

"Technology I'm im just a half hour early because Sam asked me to come in earlier"

"How come?"

"Just to help train up the temps for Christmas so we don't have mayhem"

"Fair enough" I give him a small smile and walk past going up the escalater then up the staff stairs all the way to the changing rooms. I go into the woman's changing room and change out of my normal top to my work top change into my work boots then take my work keys out my bag. When I'm ready I leave the changing room with my bag and go to locker popping my bag in making sure everything is safe. While I am I hear the doors from the eating area open and then see people walk past me when I look up I see that same boy from yesterday. Who once again gives me a smile before disappearing into the mangers office with Jose another one of our mangers and one that I get on with really well.

When time I head down to the floor helping my colleagues out with sorting out some customers that are getting frustrated in waiting to be served. On the headset 'Tiger could you go on one till while I go on another then Becky and Ben could you help the customers on the self checkouts please?'

'Sure thing Jenny you know I love the tills'- Tiger

'Yeah me and Ben are good with that'- Becky

So for sometime that what we did making sure to keep the cue moving and making sure the customers are happy. While I'm surviving I see Jose come over to the tills and come stand next to mine. "Whats up Jose?"

"Nothing much just happy to hear you taking control one the headset earlier"

"That was nothing I'm just trying make sure people are happy and don't get any grumpy customers"

"It was manger move"

"If you say so"

"How are you anyways?"

"If its that type of talk can it be later. You know when I'm not around loads of people and not around my colleagues who have no idea"

"Sure but it's that sort of time for the catch up"

"I know"

"I'll see you soon"

"Yep" With that he walks away and I continue serving people.

If your wondering what we were just going on about I'll tell you. I'm seventeen years old full-time and even though so much seems great being a college drop out and having my amazing job and family. Even with all the great things I unfortunately suffer from Anxiety and depression along with have a bit of an eating disorder. And that's what Jose wants to talk to me about. You see my family don't know about these bad thing in my life but to make sure I'm still around and alive I told two of my mangers that I trust the most Sam and Jose. They know basically kmow everything and help me stay. The talk later is just a catch up for Jose to know if everything is ok and if there's anything that's happened or been close to.

I would say the hardest and worst thing about it all is that I have a voice in my head. Thing that controls it all and makes me do what I do. Makes me get so close the edge what takes over or trys to take over and finish me.

Every hour one colleague goes for lunch and one comes back. When there's enough of them I decide its time to get off the till and do another task to change things around. 'I'm gonna get on with felling the queuing system call me if needed'

When I know its all good I leave the floor and head to the stock room grab a trolley and get on with collecting stock. For a while I stay up there just looking round finding bits I need then after I hear voices and doors go. Soon enough I work out one of voices to be Jose. The other one I haven't got a clue. Soon enough they come into sight and I see Jose with that boy again.

Alright who is this boy.

I see Jose walk towards me after telling the boy or I should more say guy to do something. "What time you having your lunch?"

"Half four"

"Alright half hour before I'll come grab you" I nod my head giving him a smile and then continue what I'm doing till its time to go to the office before my lunch. When I get there both Jose and Sam are in there and I sit down on the empty desk just swinging my legs.

"You know just to take your time Jenny" Sam let's me know keeping me calm making sure I know I'm in a safe area.

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