Oblivious | t.n

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"Y/N COME DOWN" your mother shouted for the seventh time

"Coming" you sighed before walking down the stairs

"You look very presentable darling" she smiled


"Yes yes now go stand at the door and greet our guests" she said as you slumped over to the door

"Good evening welcome to our hell hole" you grumbled to the first man who walked inside, to which he gave you a questionable look.

Ten minutes after greeting people you began to feel your eyes getting heavy


You blinked away the sleep before seeing the malfoys entering

"Draco!" You smiled before giving him a hug "oh wait I'm meant to say good evening and lovely to see you" you corrected as his family all laughed as they took their places in the middle of the hall.

"Draco!" You smiled before giving him a hug "oh wait I'm meant to say good evening and lovely to see you" you corrected as his family all laughed as they took their places in the middle of the hall.

"Hello darling, would you like me to take over for you?"

You looked up to say a very kind looking women

"That would be great thank you"


You turned  around again and saw Pansy in a dark blue dress

"Finally someone bearable in this shithole"

"Yeah you sure seem happy to see me" she joked before complimenting you

Everyone took place in the middle of the room and the music begun.

"Your dancing with me I don't care" Draco said as he took Pansy away leaving you standing there with a drink in your hands

"Would you like to dance?"

You looked up to see a boy around your age

"No" you muttered under your breath before noticing your father sending you a look. Huffing you took his hand.

He put one hand on your shoulder and the other a little bit too low, sighing, you ignored it and begun dancing.

Soon you were getting spun into someone else's arms, you were switching partners, you looked up to see Draco

"fancy seeing you here." He laughed as you both continued dancing

Before you knew it you were spinning around again looking for a new partner

This time you had tripped over your feet and onto another guy "oh I'm terribly sorry" you said


When you looked up your eyes widened when you saw theodore looking down at you with his stupid cute smile

"Theo! What are you doing here?" You asked extremely happy to see another familiar face.

"My parents decided not to tell me till today  that we had been invited and I didn't have time to tell you, you look nice" he blushed

"Thank you, you look nice too" you smiled cheeks heating up as you began dancing again

"Where did you learn to dance? Your not at all as bad I thought you would be?" You laughed

"Ouch," he said pretending to be offended

"You know what I mea-!" Soon you were spinning again And you ended up with the same boy who asked you to dance first.

"I was waiting for you" he said with a huge grin placing his hand slightly lower again


"My names felix ryder"


"Yours?" He smirked

"It doesn't matter I have no intention of meeting or speaking to you again" you scoffed

"Ooh I guess I'll have to find out myself"

After a long agonising few minutes of dancing with Felix you decided a drink would be a good idea, as you walked over to the drinks table you looked underneath and suddenly got an idea, when no one was looking you quickly slipped underneath and grabbed a few drinks for yourself.

Soon you see the tablecloth being lifted

"Oi this is my getaway" you whisper shouted before seeing your three friends. "Never mind come here now"

They all came and sat underneath with you trying to fit in the tight space

"We have to tell you something" Draco and Pansy said.

You looked at theo before looking back at them.

"So we are kinda um-" Pansy started

"dating" you and theo finished for them.

"How did you know?" Draco asked

"It's obvious" theo shrugged

"Oh" they both said at the same time

"Well I guess it's only me theo and blaise who are single now" I huffed

"Actually... blaise has been speaking to daphne greengrass quite a lot recently" Draco said slowly


"We could always..." theo started before i looked at him and we both bursted into laughter

"Yeah like that would ever happen"

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