Blushing | l.b

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"What are you thinking about?"

"ways to get you to leave me alone" you huffed going back to your book

"what are you reading?" he asked before snatching your book

"lorenzo, what the fuck is wrong with you, give me my book back" you groaned standing up

"what's the magic word" he grinned




"say please again but this time use my name, i like the way you say it"

"give me my book back lorenzo"

"go on a date with me y/n"

you paused and looked at his face

"if i say yes" you smiled "will you leave me alone"

"yes... but i can't promise you'll want to leave me alone after the date" he said walking towards you


"your blushing" he said bringing his hands up to your face and moving some hair behind your ear

"it's just hot" you said slowly

"yeah... it is" he said before leaving

you sighed and sat down "i didn't even get my book back"

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