Chapter 1

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I saw him walking towards me from the party room, honey blonde hair and a dazzling grin. I smiled back at him and then turned around to face the cupboards, blushing. My friends had told me about him before, he was the sweet kind, friendly too. I turned my attention from the cupboards and looked at the worktop, determined to find something to do to stop myself from turning back around. Footsteps warned me that the sweet boy was fast approaching, and I knew I'd soon have to face him. Before I had the chance to do anything, I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist. Heat crept up into my cheeks and my features took on a rosy glow.

"Hey, beautiful." He spoke in a husky voice. My pulse accelerated and my mouth became dry.

I turned around in his grasp to take in his appearance. Shock overcame me, as I realised that the boy who had hold of me wasn't the blonde I'd seen minutes before. I allowed my eyes to travel up and down his body, taking in every little detail. Ripped jeans adorned his lower half, a brown t-shirt hanging from his upper body. His hair was curly, styled to flow one way. Green eyes glinted from beneath his long eyelashes.

He released me from his tight grip, and I was prepared to take the opportunity to run. Seeing the dark look in his eyes made me think twice. "What's your name?" He asked.

"Tina." I said bravely.

"Tina..." He pondered. "I like it."

I was about to walk away, when he grabbed hold of me again. "You're not going anywhere." He said. He lifted me up effortlessly, placing me on the side. He stood between my legs and leant in close to my face, his hot breath tickling at my cheeks. My throat dried up as I was about to scream for help, but he could see that that was my next move. "The music's too loud for anyone to hear you." He whispered in my ear, sending a shiver down my spine.

"What do you want from me?" I asked.

"Just you." He breathed.

"You're obviously drunk. You don't know what you want." I said nervously.

"I'm sober enough to know it's you that I want." He said, placing his lips close to mine. I closed my eyes and prepared myself. His lips pressed against mine, hard. I struggled to break my lips away from his, but he wouldn't allow it. I sat still, frozen on the spot. My mind was telling me to push him away, but I couldn't muster up the strength. He gently bit down on my bottom lip, and it took everything in me not to yelp out and give in. He finally pulled away from me, his lips now displaying a wide smile. He reached behind me and pulled my phone out of my pocket.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Exchanging numbers." He grinned.

"Give me my phone." I demanded.

"Just a sec." He chuckled.

"Now." I said. A searing pain shot through my lip, and I raised a hand to it. I rubbed one finger over the slightly swollen spot where his lips had been.

"Here." He said, handing my phone to me.

He lifted me down from where I was sitting, and then turned to walk away. I turned my back to the door yet again, not letting the brimming tears fall. I heard his footsteps getting quieter, and then they suddenly got louder again. "Oh. I'm Harry, by the way." He breathed, lips close to my ear again. Then he was gone.

I ran back out to the party room, desperate to find one of my friends. I didn't want to be alone, I was more vulnerable that way. I found my friends Maisie and Amy, and told them I was leaving. They could see that I was in a fragile state, and protested against me leaving alone, but I needed time to myself to think things through.

As I was walking through the door, I caught a gleam of green. Harry was leaning against the doorframe to the kitchen, grinning at me. Something told me that I hadn't seen the last of him.

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