Chapter 8

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We arrived at our date destination; Silks. I was worrying about being there after what happened the last time.

"It'll be fine this time." Harry consoled, seeing the fearful look on my face.

"Whatever." I shrugged it off hotly. I was still pissed about the bra incident earlier.

"Come on." He said, grabbing my hand and dragging me to the door.

"Let go." I growled, snatching my hand from his grasp.

"Don't be like that, baby." He smirked.

"Oh fuck off." I snarled.

"You're so cute when you're mad." He mumbled, cocking his head to one side and glaring at me from under his fluttering eyelashes.

"Just go."

I marched ahead of him, not allowing him to take my hand. As soon as I opened the door, I recognised Vanessa and walked over to speak to her. Harry walked in just after and I caught him chuckling to himself.

"So, Tina. How's things with Harry?" Vanessa quizzed.

"I cannot stand him. He's making me feel claustrophobic. I can't breathe without feeling watched." I moaned.

"I never felt like that. I guess he must be smothering you with affection." She giggled.

"Suffocating, more like."

"It'll wear off."

"I hope it does soon. He snoops through my personal things at home. I caught him with my bra earlier."

"At least he wasn't trying it on. That would be something to worry about." She said. Then she started to laugh, and I erupted into a fit of giggles. The image of Harry trying a bra on was just too much.

"What's so funny, girls?" Harry asked, placing his arms around my waist. I pushed away, and continued to laugh.

"You don't wanna know." Vanessa told him.

"Hm.. Okay." He muttered, then walked over to his friends again.

"That was awkward." I mumbled.

"Just a tad. You could cut the tension in here with a knife." She laughed, and I nudged her in the arm to shut her up. "Only stating a few home truths."

I'd met Vanessa once before, yet I already felt like I'd known her as long as I'd known Jayde, Amy and Maisie. I knew that we would be best friends. She asked me what happened the last time we were at Silks; she noticed that Harry and I had left. I explained fully what happened, feeling quite emotional.

"Wow. I can't believe I went to the bathroom and missed all of that. It must've been so scary. Then again, it sounds like Harry made up for that." She said after I'd finished talking.

"Sort of." I blushed.

"Come on, let's go join the others." She said, clutching my arm and dragging me unwillingly over to the table.

"Whey, look who's decided to join us." One of the lads whose name I didn't know shouted.

"Harry, mate. It's your girlfriend." One of them stated.

"I'm not his girlf-"

"I'm aware of that, Jake." Harry cut me off.

"Ugh." I groaned.

We spent a long time at the club, drinking, playing truths, doing shots. It was all a great laugh until the game 'spin the bottle' was introduced.

"I'll go first!" One boy, James exclaimed. He grabbed the bottle and spun it around on the table. It stopped spinning and pointed directly at Leanne, another of my new acquaintances.

"Ooh." We all chorused, as James leant across the table to kiss Leanne. We could tell there was something already going on between the two of them, as their cheeks went red and they looked into each others eyes intently.

"Me next!" Jake grinned. He spun the bottle around, and looked incredibly scared as he realised that it was pointing at me. The phrase 'if looks could kill' sprung to mind when I saw Harry's glare directed at Jake.

"Um.." Jake mumbled. I blushed and leant across, only just letting our lips meet.

"At least pretend you're not enjoying it, Jake!" Harry yelled suddenly.

"Harry, calm down. I have a girlfriend." He replied.

"Oh, so it's not enough to have your own girlfriend, you have to make a move on mine too!" Harry shouted.

"Mate, it's okay! I'm happy with Vanessa!" Jake argued.

I looked at Vanessa, and she blushed in confirmation.

"You're with Jake?" I asked.

"Well... He kinda asked me out earlier tonight." She muttered.

"I'm so sorry. I wouldn't have kissed him if I'd known." I apologised.

"You had to, it was part of the game. I think Harry needs to be told that though."

"Harry! Stop, will you? It's a game! Jake and Vanessa are together, that kiss meant nothing." I shouted.

"I'm sorry, Tina." Harry mumbled.

"It's Jake you should be apologising to, not me."

"Nah, we'll sort it in our own time."

After a while, we started doing shots again. We decided that the spin the bottle game was best left behind.

We played truth or dare for a little while, the odd embarrassing question popping up.

"So, Vanessa. True feelings on Jake?" Marie asked.

"I think he's pretty amazing." She replied. "Harry, how far have you gone with a girl?"

"All the way." He replied, not phased by the question.

"How many girls have there been?" I asked him.

"Let's see... There've been about six before you. I only slept with one of them though. So, Tina. How do you truly feel about me?"

"I think you're hot. You definitely scare me though. I feel like you suffocate me, and you try to annoy me on purpose to provoke me. But I love it. I don't know why." I admitted, knowing that if I were sober then I wouldn't have said any of that.

"You're definitely getting some tonight." James yelled suggestively.

"You're in." Jake laughed, knowing it was acceptable to behave normally again. Harry and him had made up as the night progressed.  

We were all feeling rather out of it, stumbling around here and there. Harry placed his arms around me, and I grabbed hold of one of his hands, stroking patterns on his palm.

"I think it's hot how you were willing to fight your own best friend for me." I whispered into his ear. A noticeable shiver ran down his spine.

"Oh god." He muttered. He tilted his head down into the crevice of my neck and placed his lips to my jawline. "Tina, I want you so bad." He hoarsely breathed.

"Have me."

"Let's go home." He chuckled, grasping my hand and pulling me outside. Neither of us were fit to drive in this alcohol induced state, so we walked to Harry's house in the darkness. He opened the door and let us both in.

"Home sweet home." He slurred. I saw the sofa where we'd had our last embrace.

I stepped inside the house, and immediately I was pinned to the wall. I jumped up, wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. Our lips met in a forced rush, connecting perfectly in sync. I raised one hand and ran it through his hair, holding tight to his curls.

"Harry." I muttered.

"I know, Tina." He gasped.

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