Chapter 7

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The next day -  work.

I was working in the small-ish corner shop, when I saw a strangely familiar woman. She had dark brown hair, flowing to her shoulders, and bright green eyes. She was beautiful, and she looked around somewhere in her thirties.

"Excuse me, madam. Could you possibly help me to find the pets aisle? I'm new here, you see." The woman smiled, as she reached me.

"Of course I can help." I said, and started to lead her in the correct direction.

We reached the aisle and she thanked me. I stayed with her so that she wouldn't get lost again. "Thank you for helping me. You're like my personal assistant." She laughed.

"It's fine, I'm happy to help." I chuckled. "So, what is it you're looking to buy?"

"I'll put a good word in about you. And I'm looking for dog beds, my daughter Gemma and I decided to get a dog."

"Aw, thank you." I smiled. "Tell me about the dog, I'll help you find the perfect bed."

"Well, he's a Shih Tzu puppy, and he's called Leo." She said.

"I think this would be about right for little Leo." I said, handing her a little blue bed with a bone pattern on it. After I'd helped her, she thanked me once again, then went her own way.

I continued tidying the store, cleaning up where required. I heard a husky voice just around the corner from where I was, and immediately knew it was Harry. "I know she's working today." I heard him say. He was searching for me, but I didn't want to be found. Not by him. He was talking to my colleague Jason, asking where I was. I'd spoken to Jase before about Harry and how much he frightened me.

"She's not at work today." Jason lied.

"I watched her leave home this morning, I know she's here." He argued.

"She hasn't clocked in. I'm very sorry." Jason rallied. It was that moment that I cleverly tripped over, clattering into the small CD rack. The whole thing crashed to the ground, as did I. Harry came running around the corner.

"Oh, Tina! I'd just been informed that you weren't here today." He said, anger showing on his face.

"I've just arrived." I mumbled, scared.

"Whatever you say." He said, skulking off again. I stood up and picked up the mess I'd made. Then I went to the back room to do some stock taking. An hour and a half passed, when Jason came into the room, bloody and bruised.

"Oh my God! What the fuck happened to you?" I asked.

"It was nothing! I fell." He said.

"Why don't I believe you?" I questioned.

"Have some faith in me." He breathed. But I knew better. When I got my bruise, I blamed it on a fall. It was all Harrys fault, and I suspected he had something to do with it this time too.

I finished work for the day and clocked out. As soon as I stepped outside of the shop, I noticed Harrys car was parked there.

"Hey, Love!" He shouted over, grinning wildly.

"Harry." I bluntly grumbled.

"Whose house tonight?" He asked.

"I'd rather be at mine alone." I whispered, knowing he couldn't hear me from the distance.

He walked over to me and wrapped his arms tightly around my waist. I looked up and tried to push him away, but he pressed his lips to mine in the same harsh fashion as he had when we first met.

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