Chapter 33

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.Chapter 33.

This chapter is dedicated to @devildanger ^.^ Thanks for your wonderful comments! =D Slightly big chapter, though it's *ahem* EVENTFUL *ahem* ;)


"Stop staring," Alicia whispered, and I looked at her with a start.

"What? I'm not staring," I denied, and she grinned at me, rubbing some sunscreen on her arms.

"Busted," she sang, the grin not leaving her face, causing me to scowl.

The fact was that, I was indeed staring.

Everyone except me and Alicia were engaged in a sandcastle-building competition; extremely competitive and all. It was Zach, Seb and Dan, versus Brad, Caleb and Leah.

It seemed as though Brad and Leah were inseparable. Never did I see them without each other.

And that irked me.

Zach was practically doing nothing but cheer for his team, letting the other two do all the work.

"Yeah! Come on! You can do it!" he yelled, clapping Dan hard on the back, and he almost toppled over the weird looking castle. While Dan cursed at Zach who apologized profusely for his mistake, the other team were on their task very seriously, helping each other and cooperating.

Having Caleb around had its perks.

But Brad and Leah were being a little too helpful for my liking.

Leah was wearing a bikini top and white shorts, and every other minute, some part of their body would brush slightly, and they would smile at each other.

"Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing?!" Alicia exclaimed, and snatched the sunscreen lotion from my hands, making me realize that I had taken out so much lotion that I could bathe in it.

"Sorry," I muttered, putting on my sunglasses, and lowered the tip of my gigantic hat to cover my face from the sun, as I lied on the beach.

Might as well take a small nap with the sound of the waves as background music to take my mind of unnecessary things.

But a peaceful nap wasn't written in my fate this afternoon.

A loud squeal followed by cheers coming from nearby, startled me, and I raised my hat higher to see what the chaos was all about. And I didn't like what I saw, truth be said.

Leah clapped her hands a couple of times with a broad smile, and kissed Brad on the cheek.

And next to them, I saw Zach and Seb quarrelling with each other; Seb annoyed at his friend's unhelpful behaviour.

I smiled a little as I realized who won.

Dan kicked their broken sandcastle, and two minutes later, all of them were trudging towards us slowly, half of them bearing grumpy faces, and the other half looking happy and pleased with themselves.

When otherwise I would have gotten up specially to congratulate Brad; this time, seeing his arm around his friend's waist, something inside me stopped me even from paying any attention to them or looking at them.

So I just rolled my eyes and lowered the hat to cover my face once more.

The entire time, only the sight of how Brad's fingers touched the exposed skin of Leah's waist, haunted my mind.

I felt a violent tug at my heart as Julian's face popped up in front of my eyes.

Julian . . .

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