Chapter 2

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Federal Building lab, Manhattan, NY. January 07, 2005. Friday morning.

"Peter's birthday falls on a Tuesday," Jones said. "We considered saying it's his turn for Tuesday Tails, and having you lead him someplace for a team lunch."

Tuesday Tails was a weekly training exercise where a team member was selected to practice tailing Neal — or being tailed by Neal. It had increased the team's skills considerably over the year he'd worked at the FBI. "I like it," Neal said, "but Peter would notice everyone leaving early to get to the restaurant ahead of us."

"And he wouldn't have time," Diana added. "I saw his calendar when I sat beside him for the briefing and next week looked intense."

"We keep coming back to serving a cake during the morning briefing," Travis said. "We wanted to do something more interesting."

"A gathering in the evening?" Neal suggested. "Assuming El doesn't have other plans. She didn't mention anything in Hawaii."

"We should call her," Diana said.

"I don't know," Travis said. "A call from the Bureau during the workday? Most FBI spouses would assume it's bad news. I don't want to panic her. Maybe we should email."

"Who knows how long it will be before she checks her mail," Diana protested. "What if she doesn't get the message until tonight, and Peter happens to see it?"

Neal was about to volunteer to call or text Elizabeth, but a cell phone started to buzz. Travis reached for his phone and looked bemused at what the caller ID told him. "We were about to call you," he said, and a moment later added, "Jones, Diana, and Neal. We're trying to plan something for Peter's birthday but don't have any ideas. At least, none that haven't been shot down by the group as too boring." He listened again and smiled. "Hold on." He set down the phone and pressed one of the buttons. "You're on speaker," he said.

El outlined her plan and the group fell silent as they heard about the hardships facing the Shooting Stars family, but they smiled at the prospect of giving both the family and Peter a special day. Diana took notes, and Neal put his own spin on El's ideas. He couldn't help trying to make things a bit grander. Diana read out a list of tasks and who would take each. When they were in agreement, they ended the call.

Neal stood up, hoping to escape before Diana remembered the other reason they had gathered, but she grabbed him by an arm before he could make his getaway. "Not so fast. First we're going to update the case reports. Then you're going to find the pages that disappeared from my report while you were carrying the files for Peter, and you're going to tell him that it's all your fault."

"Let him know I conspired for us to meet?" Neal objected.

"Let him know you were playing a practical joke and that my record for perfect reports still stands."

"At least let me wait until after Peter's birthday to admit it."

Diana rolled her eyes, but accepted Neal's request.

Burke Townhouse, Brooklyn, NY. January 07, 2005. Friday evening.

Peter stepped into the townhouse to be greeted by an enthusiastic labrador. "Satchmo, sit." When the dog stopped jumping, Peter crouched down to scratch his ears.

"He missed us," El said.

"Is your sister still here?" Peter hadn't seen her car when he parked. Elizabeth's sister lived a couple of hours north of the city, and had volunteered to let Satchmo stay at her home so they wouldn't have to leave him at a kennel while they were in Hawaii.

"No, she wanted to beat the traffic home. She said hello and hopes we'll visit soon." El shared a story about Satchmo chasing squirrels and playing with her sister's kids.

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