Chloe Lee

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The sound of my alarm awakes me from my sleep, another week begins as I sit up on my bed and stretch waking my body. I yawn while getting out of my bed and walking over to open the curtain, making my way to the shower I hum songs to myself and take my shower. Feeling much more refreshed after my shower I brush my hair and get dressed for work, then proceed to head to the kitchen while being welcomed by my poodle Jack. " Good morning baby" I say to him while scratching his back as he wags his tail. I grab a bowl and serve myself some yogurt and then cut some strawberries, before sitting down I give Jack his food and walk him then eat my breakfast abit fast as I was running alittle late for work. I put my dishes in the sink and grab my camera bag along with my purse and head to work. 

I enter the company I work for and get greeted by the girl at the front desk, " good morning Chlo" " Morning Sasha" I reply with a smile as I head to the elevator and make my way to the top floor. The sound of the elevator reaching the top floor rings and I walk out and make my way to my station. I enter my station and put my bags down and start to set things up, when my clint enters all dressed and ready. " Hey Selena, are you ready for another photoshoot" she smiles at me and nods " with you of course" she replys as she gets ready. The day begins while I tell Selena how to pose for the picture and what outfits would look well with the different backgrounds I had set for her. By 1pm I finish the shoot for Selena and watch her as she checks the photos, "Chloe you did it again they turned out amazing!" she said with joy as she hugged me tight, I smiled and hugged her back. I love my job and seeing my clints happy with my work makes me feel amazing. After Selena leaves I sit down and have my lunch while checking my phone and listening to muisc before the tattoo on my the back of my right hand catches my attention once again. You may be wondering why it would catch my attention if I put it there, well the truth is I don't remember ever getting it or what it even means. When I was in my freshman year of high school I got into a terrible car accident, I was walking home from school and I go hit by a car causing me to go into an a coma and loose my memory. When I woke up my parents told me what happend and they have always just told me I got this because I wanted a tattoo but something tells me this is something more as the tattoo was a infinite sign and below it was a boy in a wheel chair and a girl holding out her hand to the boy. I sighed thinking about it and wondering why I got this, before my boss knocked on my door and came in. I stand up and face him " Hello Mr Chang, how may I help you" I say in a kind tone as he smiles at me, " Mrs Lee we got great feed back from your clint today she was really happy with your work and proceeded to tell me personaily what a great job you did today" I nod and smile "thank you sir" he nodded back and left my office as I squeal in excitment and jumped up and down. After my lunch I worked with my second clint and then headed home. 

I get home welcomed by Jack jumping up on me and licking my face, "  Jackie stop! your getting dog saliva all over me, mom and dad will be here any minute haha" he wags his tail and walks to the couch while I put my bags down and get into more comfortable clothes. Before my paretns would arrive for dinner, I cut some fruit and begain to watch a show while relaxing and then right on time my parents arrived. I get up and open the door and am met with a tight hug from my mom " Hi pumpkin how is my little girl" " hi mom, I am good" I say happily as she puts some shopping bags on the kitchen counter and my dad hugs me, " um mom what is all this?" I ask her while checking the bags full of ingredients. " Well I am gonna make you dinner sweetie" she said with a smile while getting some pots and pans out, I let out a deep breath with a smile. My parents have always been very protective of me as I am there only child, I love them both very much they can just be alittle bit to over protective of me. Even as I am now 20 it was hard to get them to let me move out but I finally was able to get them to let me. While my mom cooks my dad and I sit on the couch and talk about how work is going and my day as well. My dad and I have a good relationship after my accident he has always been looking out for me and does worry about me living alone so I need to reasure him that I am alright. " Okay Chlo food is ready come eat" my mom said warmly while serving the plates on the table, my dad and I make our way to the table and we all sit down and enjoy the bulgogi my mom prepared. Oh I forgot to mention my mom is from Korea and she meet my dad when she traveled to New York, after they got married my mom wanted to live here in Korea so I have been rasied in Korea but I have traveled of course. She and I have a normal relationship she has just expected alot from me when I was younger and put pressure on me but I know she just wants the best for me. After we alll finish our meeting its time for me to get ready for bed, I walk my parents to the door. " Oh sweetie I miss you and be safe alright? Make sure to eat and sleep well" my mom tells me while giving me a goodbye hug, " mom I will be fine I promise, you two drive safe alright" dad holds my mom's hand and leads her out of the door as I nod and smile at him. I wave as they leave and then close the door. " Well the food was very good huh Jackie" I smile at Jack as he sat infront of me, "well come on boy lets get ready for bed" I say while walking over to my room and Jack following me. I play some calming music and put on my cozy pjs before getting into bed and checking my phone while scratching Jack's tummy as he layed next to me. Putting my alarms and braiding my hair, I put my phone on my drawer and then get cozy in my bed. As I scratch Jack's back as he slept on my bed I kept looking at the tattoo on my hand, I haven't gone to take it off because I just can't there must have been a reason I got this put on me because it looks like there is a meaning towards it. With a deep breath I turn off the light and head to bed so I am ready for the day ahead of me.      

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