Getting Her Back

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As the weeks passed Chloe and I well we worked well together and it was fun to show it off to the members that I would be done before them. However the best part about it was that it felt like I was getting her back again the guilt in me that had been there for years was finally starting to fade as I made her smile again and we are starting to become close again I just missed her more then I thought I did. As we start working and hanging out I notice that she is remembering stuff which gives me hope that one day she will just walk over to me and just know who I am. We filmed RUN BTS and had more photoshoots and our relationship was going good. That one day I chose to ask her to join me to come to the park with me and she nodded with a smile and it just made me happy. We went to a park that not people went hoping that no one would see us and such, when I got to the park I saw that she was swinging on the swings and it just brought back memories. I ran on over with her and we both swang back and forth and feeling the wind, we suddenly both turned to each other and our eyes met. Her hair blew across her face and for the first time in many years I saw how beautiful she had become, my memories of her had always been we we were in middle school. She had bangs and bracies with her heavy backpack but she was kind and always made sure I wouldn't be picked on. "I bet I can jump farther then you" she said her voice bringing me back to reality, "oh bet" we both swung back as far as we could go. She jumped off her swing and flipped her hair while looking back at me, I followed after her and just barely passed her. I flipped my hair back and smirk at her feeling confident in my win, she rolled her eyes in annoyed but smiled and clapped for me. We were sitting at a bench when 2 little kids came up to us and shyly asked us if we would like to play tag with them and there friends. Chloe quickly got up and accepted then grabbed my wrist and dragged me to play aswell, even after these years kids are still her weakness she hasn't changed a bit. Chloe was it first and she was able to get everyone execpt me, she was chasing me when she tripped and knelt down.I didn't see her trick and went over to check on her only for me to get tagged myself and she won the freeze tag game. "Haha got you" she said while patting my head, we played with the kids for about an hour before they had to head home. Chloe and I walked around the park and without control my hand reached for hers and she accepted it, we both looked at our hands and then at each other we smiled and continued our walk. 

As we walked she suddenly stopped and brought her hands up to her head once again, we knelt down on the floor.

"Chloe? What is going on? You keep getting these" I asked he while looking at her,

"I don't know what's going on its just my head" she said but I knew she was not telling the full truth, I sat next to her and moved her head to face me. "Tell me whats wrong" I asked her, she nuzzled herself against me I flinched at her reaction but wrapped my arms around her.

"I-I keep seeing this boy I don't know who he is but I keep seeing him when I am around you or when I do some spesific sometimes I see him, sometimes I hear his laughter and it just bring these headaches along with it." She said quietly, I take a deep breath and rub her shoulder gently before tilting her head up to look at me. 

"Just don't try to fight it, let it flow and maybe it won't hurt as much" her smile gives me shivers down my spine as our faces are inches apart. The feeling in my heart was strong, I wanted to kiss her then as if she read my mind she leaned her head closer to mind. That was all I needed I pressed my lips against hers and she responded back by kissing me back. Her hand wrapped around my neck while mine wrapped around her waist, her lips were as soft as cotten, and she smelled like roses. Our kiss deepen with passion and love in that moment I didn't want to stop, it was like my middle school self took over and brought back the emotions I felt for her all those years ago. The way she resonded back to the kiss showed me that she was feeling something as well, I don't know how long we kissed but once we pulled away our foreheads were together as we giggled and smiled to one another. 

 "Its getting kinda late would you like to come over to my apartment for abit?" she asked shyly I nod and hand in hand we walk to her apartment which was close by and it makes sense why she was at the park before me. Luckily we made it to her place without anyone seeing me, I stepped inside and was greeted by a big poodle it barked at me while stepping between me and Chloe. " Hey Jackie that is not how we greet our guest right?" she said while kneeling down and hugged the poodle. She stood up and patted the poodle's head "Jungkook this is Jack, Jack this is Jungkook alright?" Jack licked her hand and came over to smell me, I began to pet him and he started warming up to me. Chloe made us some hot chocolate and we sat on the couch together and watched a nice movie, it felt nice too get away from the cameras for a while and just imagine having a life everyone else has around me. Chloe rested her head on my shoulder after we finished our hot chocolate and I wrapped my arm around her. When the movie was over we made eye contact and as I looked into her eyes the feeling came back, " Hi" she said shyly as I felt her hand on my cheek. I leaned closer to her our noses slightly touching, her smile made my heart flutter and she pressed her lips against mine this time. I couldn't help but smile at her confidence, I felt her pull away as her cheeks turned red while she turned away from me. Gently I placed my hand on her cheek and brushed a strain of her hair behind her ear, slowly I turn her face to mind causing our eyes to meet. 

"Am I making you nervous" I whispered in her ear,  she smiles shyly before sitting on my lap facing me and wrapping her arms around my neck. 

"Well maybe alittle bit" she whispered back in my ear, with that I wrapped my arms around her waist tightly and pulled her closer to me as our lips fit together like a puzzle piece. Her grip around my neck grew tighter as our kiss deepened, soon I stood up from the couch carrying her in my arms as her legs wrapped around my waist. Without breaking our kiss I carry her to her bedroom and place her on the bed while climbing over her. As I hear her moans in my ear while I kiss her neck and smell her scent of roses, it felt like I was in heaven. That night I showed her how much I missed her, how much she meant to me and how much I wish and hope she will fully remember me. To her we have known each other for almost a month but to me I have known her for years and I showed her that night. 

However it wasn't meant to be.. that night as she slept in my arms guilt filled my head of that day when I just left her there with no one. She had told me she would get bullied and teased during her last few years of high school and I was not there like she was for me. What have I done? What am I doing to her? If people find out they will attack her online.. no matter how badly I want her back how much I long and miss her.. I can't..

 I can't

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