Chapter 14: Let It Hurt

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The Next Day Fiora's POV, Wellston High:

Am I a bad person for having a crush on two people?!

"FIORA!! PAY ATTENTION!!" The teacher yelled.

"EEP! Sorry!" I exclaimed.

"Damn it Fiora I called six fucking times, damn it where was I?" The teacher went back to his chalkboard. "Anyways the variable...."

Maybe I should get this straight? Maybe I'm just crazy.

I fell in and out of thought during class but eventually I made it through. When class was over I just simply rushed to my locker.

Ah crap I forgot to charge my phone today! Where is my power bank!? Oh gawd please tell me I left it charged.

As I was frantically looking for that stupid thing I heard a rap on my locker door.

"Hey Fi, I wanted you to meet Jack. I'm sure you two met before." Emerson said out of no where.

"Um OK." I replied, startled. "Hi?"

"Heeeyyyyy." Jack greeted, literally smoking pot while having cocaine left on his face.

"Yeah I forced him to go to school again." Emerson laughed.

"Shuddap." Jack punched Emerson's arm.

"Oh hi, welcome to Wellston." I awkwardly smiled.

"Thanks, I'm already eyeing the Jack position. I hope the jack here is a fucking pussy." Jack folded his arms behind his head.

"What'd I tell ya?" Emerson smirked. "ANYWAYS I have other stuff to do, I better throw this cigarette away before some school official sees me."


That's the ugliest blonde I have ever seen.

I turned around and looked at Emerson running off, I silently mumble. "Em....."


I furiously shut the locker door shut. I'M WITH REMI YOU DUMBASS!

I shake my head and I just decided to give myself a break. I had to force through school anyways, it sucked.

I wish there was an alternative to school.


Several Hours Later:

I walked back to my dorm after school a little confused on what I was actually gonna do.

I mean, you try asking a 16 year old to do something concerning a basically sex offender.

Man how am I ever going to even pull this off? I'm too young to even think about stuff like this!


Oh gawd what now?!

I turn around to see a dust cloud disappearing over the nearby park in the dormitories.

Once the dust cleared I saw an ugly blonde, Emerson on the ground laughing his ass off and Blyke who looked severely hurt.

A little concerned I decided to run over there just to check out what happened, sure enough it confirmed what I saw.

"Dumb energy ability," Jack smirked "I've seen better than this mofo."

"PFFFAHAHAHA HE JuSt FeLl LiKe ThAt!" Emerson laughed.

I look over at Blyke and he had a lot of burns all over him, Jack's light abilities must have sorched into his flesh.

"Guys stop acting immature! What just happened?!" I exclaim.

"Oh, I just took this dumbass's title from him. Though it really is a shame its just a Jack and not a King. Well can't ask for much since this IS my first day haha!"

"Oh my gosh JACK THE JACK AHAHA!" Emerson lost it.

I slapped the both of them and scolded them. "You two! Blyke is hurt and needs to go to the infirmary and ya'lls reaction is to laugh!?'

"Yes." Jack chirped. "We came from the hood, ya know?"

"I mean the other day we smacked down some kids who thought they were King and Queen of the hood, I think their names were Zeke and Skyla?" Emerson lit a cigarette while fixing his sunglasses.

"Ugh whatever, immature brats." I rolled my eyes and helped Blyke up. "You OK?"

"I'm fine," Blyke pushed my hand away "I don't need your help."

That's awfully rude of him as well! What is wrong with these boys!?

"Especially since you're one of the 'new ones' anyways." Blyke brushed himself off and huffed himself away from the scene.

"New ones?" I say confused.

"Yeah fake Irishman over there doesn't like us since we are new to Wellston compared to the rest of them." Jack explained. "I don't like people like that."

"I- I wonder why he wouldn't like us, I mean I'm dating his friend." I shrugged.

"Probably that." Emerson pointed out "Also they all don't like us, it's why you don't see me hanging with the peeps here."

But Seraphina and John is kinda cool with us, I don't understand.

"Welp what's done is done!" Jack dusted off his hands. "We three are now the hierarchy."

"Just like I planned." Emerson smiled. "Now we got a strong force against Peed O'File."

"Peed O' File?"

"Well duh, cause he you know. Ugh never mind." Emerson shooed. "Let's focus on the more important stuff."

Right, we got the hierarchy assembled so we can began our actually-

"The important stuff of CELEBRATING WITH ALCOHOL WOOOO!!!" Both of them cheered and they clanked bud light bottles.

"Uh... shouldn't we doing something like I dunno MAYBE planning an assault on this Josh guy and finding out where he lives?" I suggested.

"Nah, I'd prefer to get wasted right now so if you could step back that'd be grreeeaaattt." Jack replied chugging alcohol.

"I got a plan." Emerson lifted his index finger.

"Really?! What is it?"

"Break into Josh's house, steal the valuables and sell them to a pawn shop." Emerson laughed.

"No seriously bro let's do THAT!" Jack said with a straight face.

I wish Emerson and Jack would actually want to do this and not act like imbeciles.

"*sigh* You guys!" I said annoyed. "We have to focus!"

"Yeah," Jack stated. "On money."

"We broke as shhiiiittt." Emerson added.


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