001. running from gary

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running from gary

maeve and her friends were never not in trouble. either they were trespassing, got into a fight, or really anything else that gets them in the sheriffs office.

of course her parents got mad, but her mom got into the same shit when she was her age. it would be a quick lecture on how she could get into 'serious' trouble and then go back to watching tv.

the group of five hung out at a construction site. it was a new home that was being built right infront of the beach.

maeve and kiara looked in the house, seeing what they were building.

"kie, look. a heated towel rack." maeve pointed to the rack hanging above a toilet.

"yeah, and a japanese toilet." kie sighed.

"jesus christ, how much is this place gonna be?" maeve wondered.

"definitely over 900k." kiara shrugged.

while the two girls checked out the house, the three boys hung out outside.

john b stood at the edge of the roof, the ground below him. "that's what, a three-story fall to the deck?" pope squinted looking up at his friend. "i give you about a one-in-three chance of survival." he said fidgeting with a screw driver in his hand.

"hm." john b nipped his finger and held it up in the air. "should i do it?" he asked.

"yeah you should jump. i'll shoot you on the way down." pope pointed the screwdriver at him. "you'll shoot me?" john b mimicked a gun with his fingers.

kiara and maeve walked out of the house after looking around.

"they're gonna have japanese toilets with towel warmers." maeve said. "of course. why wouldn't they?" jj replied, looking down at the two girls.

"this used to be a turtle habitat, but who cares about the turtles i guess." kie looked up at john b.

"john b, you're gonna kill yourself if you take one more step." maeve spoke, looking up at her friend.

"don't spill that beer. i'm not giving you another one." jj said, taking a sip of his beer.

john b pretended to trip and dropped his can. "oh shit." he watched the can fall.

"smooth." kiara smiled under her breath. "of course you dropped it. a-plus." jj looked at john b. "dumbass." maeve mumbled.

the friend group heard a car door open, pope went to check it out. "hey!" a man spotted pope, flashing a light at him. "hey, uh, security's here." pope said. "let's wrap it up." he walked off.

"boys are early today." john b stood still looking at security.

"let's roll!" jj shouted.

john b slid off the side of the roof, and jj climbed down from the elevated platform he was sitting at. "gary is that you? gary, good to see you, man!" jj laughed. the two boys finally touched ground at looked at their friends.

"you're asking for it." kiara looked at jj, giggling.

"c'mon, hurry!" maeve yelled, running away as fast as she could

everyone followed her inside. they ran to the stairs and practically jumped down. "go, go, go!" pope pushed everyone to go faster.

"hey, stop!" gary shouted. "get 'em! they're comin' your way!" he shouted again. jj turned around, trying to find another escape route. a security guard tried to catch him but failed. "not much of a hugger man."

maeve went a different way, but ended in the same spot as pope and jj. "go pope!" jj shouted, laughing. he kneeled down to help maeve. "quick!" he said. she jumped over the fence, and jj followed behind her. pope laid on the grass after jumping.

"get up pope, he's coming." maeve grabbed his arm, helping him get up. "come here you little pricks!" the security shouted.

john b honked the horn on the twinkie. "bus is leaving!" he shouted. "come on guys! whoo!" kiara yelled. the three teens jumped in the twinkie and john b immediately drove off.

gary ran after the truck. "check out gary, gunnin' for a raise." pope pointed.

"come on, gary!" jj exclaimed.

"slow down, slow down." pope tapped john b's shoulder, laughing. "guys you're gonna give him a heart attack." kie said.

gary kept running after the van, not giving up. "you're so close! you can do it!" jj threw the beer can at him. "there you go! they don't pay you enough, bro." he laughed.

"jj, stop. that's enough." maeve tugged at jj's shirt. "oh come on. that sort of initiative is just begging to be punished." jj chuckled. "are they?" she tiled her head.

jj leaned back , still laughing. john b turned up the radio.

"next stop, mae's big ass mansion." john b said, mimicking a walkie-talkie. he stopped infront of maeve's house.

"i'll see you guys tomorrow." maeve smiled.

she walked up the steps and walked inside. "anyone home?" she said. "just me." mason answered, watching tv.

"where's mom and dad? maeve asked, taking off her shoes. "at some restaurant, with the carrera's." he said.

she walked in to the living room and sat at the other end of the couch. "since when do you watch family feud by yourself?" she giggled.

"since yesterday when we were watching it all together." he said. "oh and rafe is in your room."

she looked at him confused but still walked up the stairs to her room to find rafe looked at the books she owned. "since when do you read?" he asked.

"since forever." she said, putting her bag down on her floor.

"where have you been?" he walked over to her, kissing her cheek.

"with the pouges, at some construction site. we got chased by security." she said, sitting on her desk chair.

"mae, you're going to get yourself arrested hanging out with those kids." he looked down at her before getting a phone call. "hello?" he said, picking up the call. "yeah i'll be right there." rafe hung up the phone, putting it back in his pocket. "i gotta go. i'll see you tomorrow, maybe." he leaned down, kissing her.

"bye." she smiled, watching him walk out.

she showered and spent the rest of the night watching tv in her room.

she had no idea what was coming for her and her friends this summer.

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