Cats Pov

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I woke up to darkness as I heard some shuffling beside me. “Who’s there?”. I paused as I realised I wasn’t speaking Japanese. Was that a meow? “Mikey? Why the hell are you a cat? Did we get drugged?”. I turned to the side and saw……… “Is that you Ken-chin?! You’re so small and fluffy!”.

“Mikey? What the hell happened to us?! We were at the fight with Tenjiku!”. We all looked as Baji crawled out from underneath Mucho. “Bahahaha! Baji! You should take a look at yourself!”, I burst out laughing but to a persons ears it sounded like very loud hysterical meows. “WHA?! WHY AM I SO TINY AND FLUFFY!”.

“Shut up! You’re gonna wake up Mitsuya and Hakkai!”, hissed Smiley as he and his brother walked over. They were fluffy and still had the same expressions when they were human. *creak*.

We all stayed quiet as we felt the box getting lifted. “Huh?! What the hell is going on?!”, hissed Mitsuya quietly as he and Hakkai got woken up by the box getting lifted.

We heard muttering outside and the click of the gun. “IS THE PERSON GONNA SHOOT US?!”, cried out Chifuyu as Takemitchy started sobbing, wishing Hina was with him.

We were blinded as the top of the box was opened, the light shining in until we saw the most beautiful face we ever saw. “Are we dead? Cause I’m seeing an angel”, whispered Smiley in awe. How the fuck can he see with his eyes closed?

“Who left you guys with me, hmm?”. “I’m sorry Miss but if we knew we’d tell you”, spoke Angry. But to his dismay she couldn’t understand him. “Anyways, let’s get you out of here”. I helped as I was the first one taken out.

Then came Draken, Baji and Chifuyu, Mitsuya, Hakkai, Smiley, Angry etc. “Okay you guys sit here, while I go buy you some food Kay?”. “Yes! Finally! I’m starving and need Dorayaki!”, I cheered while jumping around the place. “Mikey calm down!”.

When the pretty lady went out we all started to explore our surroundings. I started my search, with the kitchen. Smiley and Baji in tow. “Do you think she has Peyoung Yakisoba?”, Baji looked at with wide eyes, but then turned his loving attention to the fridge and cupboards.

“I just hope there’s some ramen. I’m starving and I want to know where are we, how we got here and why are we here”, Smiley drawled with his grinning face. I just had my eyes on the packet of Dorayaki on the table.

“Dorayaki…….. mine…….”. “What?”. I quickly dashed towards the table and jumped!……………. And fell flat on the floor……… “BAHAHAHAHA!”. I pouted as I got up from the floor to the sound of Smiley’s and Baji’s laughter. “That’s not funny!”. *creak!*.

Perking up I dash towards the front door and see her. Staring at her, I put on my best puppy eyes face and tried to get her to give me some food…….. but she ignored me! But I got over it once she took out some bowls and poured food in it. We all ran over and started chewing greedily. To be honest…….. it wasn’t the best but it was still food.

“Now that that’s done, let’s name you. Who wants to go first?”. We all warily looked at her and tried to decided who would go first. We all tried to shove the person next to us forward but Takemitchy decided to bite the bullet. “Good luck partner!”. “Hmmmmm. You look……. Like a Michi!”.

We all sighed in relief that she didn’t call him piss hair or something. “Thank you god!”. She probably heard a happy meow as she said, "Michi it is then". Then it was Baji and Chifuyu who were named Shadow and Voodoo. She repeated the process till all of us were named. I was so happy to be named after my favourite snack. Dorayaki!

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