Chapter 8

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Once again, I rose early in the morning and did my daily routine, but got something I didn’t expect. A knock on the door. Coming to open it, I only saw a bouquet of black roses with a card, and no one else. Warily bringing it in, I opened the small envelope and read the short text.

To our lovely flower,

Hope these roses brighten up your day.

How da fuck are black roses supposed to brighten up someone’s day? Are we at a funeral? Am I dead? Hell nah. Not today anyways. Getting the roses I put them in a vase anyways, and set them on the kitchen windowsill. Then I made myself breakfast which consisted of a cup of coffee and scrambled eggs on toast. “Meow”. Looking down at my feet, I saw Dragon meowing up at me curiously as he had his eyes fixed on my breakfast. “You want some?”. “Meow!”. Tearing off a piece from the eggs on toast, I let him eat it from my fingers as he licked his muzzle and meowed for another piece. Laughing at his request I tore off another piece and scratched his neck as he rumbled in appreciation. Seeing he was starting to doze off, I picked him up and set him on the living room couch. Heading back, I filled the cats bowls with food and water before leaving for work. I hope my babies would be okay.

CHIFUYU’S (Voodoo’s) POV

I was awoken today by Baji’s sweet, delightful voice. And by woken up, I mean interrupted from my beauty sleep! “WHAT THE HELL!? WE HAVE TO EAT THIS SHIT AGAIN!?”. “Someone turn down Baji-san”, begged Mitchy as he he covered his cat ears with his paws. He honestly looked adorable as a cat! Much better than a human anyways……….. For the past few days as a cat, I’ve enjoyed the simple life. You get a warm place to stay, free food and water, entertainment, no work and you can sleep however long you want, unless you get interrupted. Just as I was drifting off, Chonbo’s voice interrupted. “YOU THINK I WANT TO EAT THIS TOO!?”. “Ugh. Let’s go see what their doing. We won’t be able to sleep at this rate anyways”, I persuaded Takemichi as we both stretched and headed into the kitchen to see what the commotion was. What I didn’t expect, was a full on food war, the cat food being thrown across the room as if it personally offended the thrower. “What the hell is going on!?”, shouted Draken as he glared at the cats responsible for the mess. It was mainly Mikey, Baji, Chonbo, Chome and Smiley. “Naja left cat food for us to eat! It tastes horrible!”, wailed our ever childish leader, Mikey, with crocodile tears pouring out if his round, dark eyes. “Well we are cats, what do you expect us to eat!?”, shouted Sanzu as he glared at Mikey. “We ate human food and didn’t die so let’s ride the fridge!”. We all turned to Baji with deadpan faces as I decided to guess what he meant. “Do you mean raid, Baji-san?”. “That’s what I said!”. We all groaned but decided to go with his idea anyways. The cat food was too bland, chunky and got stuck in between my teeth, so I’ll even go for a carrot at this point. “The moment of truth”, Mitsuya wryly stated as we tried to open the fridge door. As we opened it, it was like the angels started to sing, the heavens shine down on us as we saw the delicious, holy goodness that was inside this metal blessing. “I think we died, and went to heaven”, gaped Kazutora as we all thought the same thing. ‘You ain’t going to Heaven. You definitely going to Hell’. But we could all agree that we hit the jackpot since the fridge was stuffed with delicious food. “Let’s dig in!”.


We arrived at the crime scene and started investigating the port. Another fight between the second generation of Bonten and an overseas gang had happened. The place was like an ocean of blood, as bodies littered the ground. “Well this ain’t pretty”, muttered my partner Daki as she sneered the blood coating her boots. “Let’s just get this over with”. She started inspecting these bodies as I headed to the centre of the scene. What I saw, was something I wasn’t prepared for. The whole ground was littered with black roses and out of the enemies blood, there was a clear space of pavement where words were written. The blood was dry and started to flake, but it was still readable.

Never go against us, unless you want to suffer the same fate.

These roses symbolise our love for our Queen, as long as she lives we shall do whatever it takes to claim her, and create an empire for her to rule.

Yup……………. I’m in deep shit. But maybe it’s just a coincidence?

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