Finale: firm

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CW // casual use of f-slur, aftermath of sex

Shoto Todoroki

I don't hear the door open. To be honest, I was quite sure I'd locked it. I don't have the energy to do anything but flinch when I feel hands on my shoulder, and besides, I know who it is. I know those hands. I probably should, considering how much of my body they touched last night.

Yoichi's hold is comforting, and that sickly feeling I'd had yesterday when I was with him was gone. That didn't mean I didn't have a sickly feeling, though. Katsuki's actions had affected me a lot more than I'd ever verbally admit, but I couldn't tell Yoichi about it even if I wanted to. Confidentiality began to seem like a little bit of a joke after what had happened, but I had to be careful.

Yoichi kept one hand rested on my shoulder, gently wiping my face with the back of his fingers on the other, making gentle "shhh" sounds as I shifted from my foetal position in the corner to rest my head on his leg, crying into that instead. He just held me, never once asking me to explain myself. It was another 5 or so minutes before my tears eventually subsided, and I sat up, curling into his shoulder wordlessly. He grabbed my legs and effortlessly lifted me, taking me to my room and clumsily climbing on the bed as well, sitting beside me.

" I go a little far yesterday?"

"...s'not that..."

Part of that was a lie. It was true that the cause of my upset was very different, but my experience with Katsuki last night had brought forward how stupid I'd been. I was upset at myself for risking throwing away what was a perfect relationship.

"Ok...are you able to tell me, or is it..."

"...confidential. It was...just something he did that made me realise something...I did"

He gently gripped my hands in his, rubbing his thumbs over the backs of my hands soothingly, and making me smile just a little bit. He smiled too as I did, once again wiping a stray tear from my face.

"Do you have to deal with him again?"

"...probably. He comes in a lot"

"How about you...text me if and when he does. I might be busy with something, but I promise I'll come as soon as I can"

"...thank you"

He leaned forward a little bit, gently kissing the top of my head, and I slumped forward again, his shoulder becoming one of my favourite places in the world.

"Can I ask...has this been ongoing? I...thought you were a little bit distracted on our date, that's...all"

", it was just last night...I'm sorry about the date, I just...stomach ache, didn't want to put it off. Probably nerves anyway"

He smiled at that, and a pang of guilt hit me. I felt like crying again, but just cuddled closer to him, his arms wrapping around me and his legs shifting, probably going numb. I found myself drifting off to sleep, gently being placed with my head against my pillow as Yoichi settled behind me, keeping me held close. I felt his lips on my neck, and couldn't help but laugh, turning to him and playfully hitting his arm.

In retort, he grabbed my chest and refused to let go of me, squeezing me close to him as my legs flailed in the bed, my laughter drowning out as he eased his grip slightly and settled back onto the pillow, smiling to himself that his plan had succeeded. I didn't want to upset that little face, so I settled as well, and before I knew it, I was falling asleep, my worries about later on disappearing into a beautiful dream about a boy I really, really like.

Katsuki didn't show up on that Thursday night, but Yoichi was still constantly messaging me, making sure I was ok. It dawned on me that even if Katsuki asked for a meeting, I could just refuse it, but even that felt like a weird thing to do. A part of me wanted to speak to him again, to speak my mind and scold him, but I knew it would be foolish.

Yoichi and I ended up going out for a date on the Friday evening, since that was our first night off. It was a simple place, but we had an absolute blast. Both of us were more than a little drunk when we stumbled through his door, our lips almost tired of each other, but there was more to come. I don't remember exactly, but I think I ripped his shirt clean off him, relentlessly attacking his chest and shoulder as he fumbled with my own clothes.

Memories of that night are fuzzy, but I remember waking up next to him, my head on his bare chest, and smiling to myself. I also remember the exact moment where I realised that we were both naked and covered in each other's cum, and that my asshole felt like it'd been impaled with a drill, but that's the less romantic side of it. I remember his face when he'd had the same realisation as well, but it wasn't long before we did even more.

The noise complaints were embarrassing, but we just laughed and promised to moan louder. In many senses, we were a perfect couple, and in many ways, awful to be around. But neither of us cared, since we were together.

And it would stay that way for a long time.

Sure, there was that rocky period about a year into our relationship, and I wasn't sure I was ready for marriage after 3 and a half, but we did it. And that leads me here, starting my permanent position at the prison. Sure, it wasn't the best experience I had here, but so much has changed since then, and I can't ignore all the good bits for the sake of one bad experience.

What I didn't expect was, 10 years since our last meeting, to be sat across from one Katsuki Bakugo, still looking as cocky as ever, even in his 30s

"Yo Halfie...been a while"

"It has. What do you want to talk about?"

"Cut the shit, you hate me, right?"

"I don't bring personal feelings into my meetings"

"Then why'd ya fall for me?"

"I didn't."

"That's a bigger lie than when I thought I wasn't a fag"

"Oh, so you realised"

Couldn't help it

"Shut up...was you that helped, actually"

"Well, you're very welcome. It's a little weird knowing that you got hard over me, but whatever. I don't care anyway"

"Yeah I figure. I see the ring. Don't tell me it's that not-boyfriend of yours?"

I did chuckle at that a little.

"I told you, he's not my boyfriend. He's my husband"

"Tch, fuckin' corny"

"Yeah whatever. Can't be long till you get out, huh?"

"Next month, actually. Can't fuckin' wait"

"I bet"

"I...know it's fuckin' weird after what happened last time, you wanna hang out after? Like...friends?"


I thought for a moment. He seemed genuine, and there was remorse in his face over what he'd done. He was...confused, probably misinterpreted what I meant to him. It dawned on me that he won't have experienced much kindness in the past...

I extended my hand. He shook it. Firm.
And that's that! I know it seems quite sudden, but I promise this was the plan all along.

Sorry if you wanted it to be a little more TDBK oriented, but I can't see how I could really have done it in a realistic way.

Plus Yoichi is cool 😎

Fact of the Day: you are beautiful 🖤

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