Dinnnifent yum

40 3 3

So the other one was you. You are, you arrrrrrr..

The pirates are yummyrrrr the you, making the making, make. I think I must alpaca, party, my. *Drives then* So my car didn't want he roar, so them his ear blum glum threety theee thr. My cow is dead. I am now am, so you are. Steve tried my grapefruit and said. mjk is a bum. Pinecones! What the pachy said, was a a a a peaker so this was so. The jungle said that hero lied. This was true, and herp lied. THe apple is rott, Steve is jobbing without you, you sad.

ipods have friends hamed phon eand the like fudge. Bart and reeltoo. Very.

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