Since When Do You Speak Japanese?

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Salvatore Boarding School

Today was like any other. Sun shining. Clear skies. Students getting ready for school. Only this time, Aaron and Josie were arguing. "I don't want to do it anymore." Aaron said. "We haven't even done it yet." Josie said. "I don't care. I'm fine with the magic I'm doing now." Aaron said. Josie scoffed. "Whatever." Josie said walking away. Aaron huffed. Lizzie then walked over. "What was that about?" She asked. "I told Josie I don't want to do these lessons with Vardemus and she completely freaked." Aaron said. Lizzie grabbed his shoulder comfortingly. "Give her some time. She'll cool down and then you'll both apologise to each other and everything will be ok." Lizzie said. Aaron nodded.

Mystic Falls High School

Alaric was drinking coffee in his office when Hope walked in. "P.A. system? It's a little dramatic, don't you think?" Hope asked, sitting down at the desk. "Not as dramatic as the message Landon left me, saying he had something urgent to discuss. Anything you want to share?" Alaric said, also sitting down at the desk. "Only that I'm pretty sure the monsters are after him this time." Hope said. "And you didn't think that that's something I should know?" Alaric asked. "More like I was afraid of what you were gonna say after that." Hope said. "Hope. You need to go back to the Salvatore School." Alaric said. "That was it." Hope said.

"Not for your sake. For theirs. Maybe Landon isn't that important to you. But if Malivore wants him, we need to want him more." Alaric said. "Look, I will take care of it, but from a distance. I can't go near there." Hope said. "Okay, what am I missing here, Hope? Hmm? You told me the truth, and everything worked out fine." Alaric said. "Not the whole truth." Hope said. "Hmm." Alaric hummed. "It's about Aaron." Hope said. "What about him?" Alaric asked. "Aaron and I, we were in love. Like, real love. Epic love, if that even exists." Hope said. "I can assure you it does." Alaric said. "Now he's with Josie, and they don't know what we were to each other. And I'm just afraid that if I tell them, she's gonna hate me forever or he's gonna hate me or I'm gonna hate myself because I made us all miserable. So I can't tell them. Not yet." Hope said.

Just then, there was a knock at the door. They both looked over and saw the sheriff there. "Sorry to interrupt." The sheriff said. "No, it's okay. I was just leaving." Hope said. She looked at Alaric. "I will see you at the pep rally." Hope said. "See you there. I hope you consider the transfer. I can put in a good word for you at the Salvatore School." Alaric said as Hope left the room.


Aaron, Landon and Rafael were outside the school, walking towards the entrance. "Are you sure we should be doing this?" Rafael asked. If Dr. Saltzman thinks he can ignore my calls like we don't live in the same town, he's got another think coming. Namely monsters, because if they're back and after me now, me and Aaron must've done something to screw up the night the Malivore pit went dry." Landon said. Aaron shrugged. "Knowing our luck, we probably did screw something up." Aaron said. "And if I can't remember any of it, we need his help to figure out what changed and how to fix it, or we're all in danger." Landon said. Rafael was looking behind them and saw someone walking towards them.

"Are you even listening to me?" Landon asked, waving his hand in front of Rafael's face. "Yeah, I'm always listening." Rafael said, looking behind him. "Well, do you speak anymore? I mean, ever since you got back to school, your sentences have averaged three words each." Landon said. "That's not true." Rafael said. "That's three words." Aaron said, showing three fingers. Rafael gave him a look. The three stopped in front of the entrance. "Look, I know you say you're fine, but you were stuck - as a wolf for a pretty long time." Landon said.

"Yeah, and I'm back now. So it's all good." Rafael said. "Thanks to Hope." Landon said. Aaron coughed. "And Aaron." Landon added on. Aaron smiled at him. Landon patted Rafael's shoulder before walking into the building. "Yeah, she was pretty incredible." Rafael said. Aaron snorted and followed after Landon with Rafael. As they were walking down the hallways, looking for Alaric, Aaron saw Rafael was looking for someone else. Aaron smirked. "So that's why you came." Aaron said. Rafael looked at him. "What?" Rafael asked. "You want to see Hope again?" Landon asked. "No. I, um, want to stop these monsters from getting to you. And if we see Hope, I mean, that's-that's cool, too." Rafael said.

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