Chapter 13

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The next day when Samuel went down to breakfast there was a tense feeling in the air.

"Good morning," His father greeted him.

"Morning," he replied slowly. He was weary of the polite cramped society he lived in. Once he was wed they would move back to Canada, he knew Phoebe would like to as well, haven previously spoken about her desire to travel.

"I am meeting Lord Newton today," his father said casually, "we will discuss the marriage. I suggest that you come."

"I will."

"We leave at half past three."


AT half past three Lord Turner and Samuel got into the coach and drove towards Greenwood Manor. Samuel was incredibly nervous and he kept fussing with his cuffs. Finally the coach pulled up at Greenwood Manor and they got out and stepped up to the doors. They knocked and Hodgeson opened it, a look of surprise on his face.

"Lord Turner," he said. "I believe you are here to speak with Lord Newton?"

"We are," Samuel's father replied.

"This way," the butler led the way through the hall and Samuel caught sight of Lady Newton who raised a dark eyebrow when she saw them. She sat still though and said nothing.  They stopped in front of Lord Newton's study and Hodgeson knocked.

"Come in," Lord Newton's voice said. The two Turners entered and saw that Lord Newton was sitting at his desk with a glass of port and a paper. He looked up when he saw them and smiled grimly.

"Good afternoon," Lord Turner nodded.

"Good afternoon, please sit," Lord Newton said. They sat and were offered wine, which they refused.

"Now, we have come to discuss the marriage," Lord Turner said.

"Ahh yes." Lord Turner leaned back in his chair and surveyed them with his small calculating eyes. "As I understand it, Imogen Cohen is a scullery maid that you had relations with?"

"Yes," Samuel replied. "She had a child and the staff fired her. I fear I was stupid in my ways, if I had known that it would affect me in the future like this I'd never have done such a stupid thing," he said.

"I do believe you," Lord Turner said, "my wife on the other hand is, well," he trailed off.

"We understand, but surely you can-" Samuel began but Lord Newton shook his head.

"The woman is unreasonable, it is like being stuck in an iron cage with a lion," he sighed.

"But you are her husband, you must be able to control her!" Exclaimed Lord Turner.

"Have you seen the woman?" Lord Newton asked desperately. "Have you seen her temper?"

"We have, but you must be able to convince her to let us wed?" Samuel said.

"I would if I could, but I think she feels too betrayed."


"Betrayed and desperate. She loves Phoebe and she's scared that Phoebe will be caught in a loveless marriage," he said.

"But I love her, and her, I." Samuel said desperately.

"I don't believe she sees that," Lord Newton said.

"But," Samuel was at a loss for words.

"I'll speak with her, but I think it best if Phoebe speaks to her," Lord Newton said.

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