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TW: Self harm and s**c*d*


Seo-jun and Suho were silent for half an hour, not knowing how to react. Suho was the one who broke the silence. "Seo-jun we never really were there for her" he said, his voice breaking. "She was there for us, making sure that we were okay when she was sufferring."

Seo-jun regrets a lot of things now. He wished to turn back time and be there for her but it was too late.

Hye-jin slowly woke up, trying to figure out what's happening. Suho immediately stood beside her while Seo-jun went to call the nurse.

Her vision was still blurry and she couldn't hear  anything. "Seo-jun...Suho.." she whispered, her voice hoarse.

"We are here" Suho gently whispered. "You guys are okay?" She asked, Suho frowned, not knowing that she witnessed their accident.

The doctor and nurses rushed in to help her.
"You guys can go. You need rest" she said tiredly. "How can you worry about us when you are in a far worse state?" Seo-jun asked frustratedly.She didn't reply.

"The hospital tried to contact your parents but th-" Suho was cut off by Hye-jin "I know they didn't pick up and I also know that Ji-Hoon's running around like a mad man to get here" Suho bit his lips. He somehow was jealous that she was so close to Ji-Hoon since it wasn't like that before.

"Hye-jin we saw your scars.."Seo-jun said carefully. Her face faltered a bit "Oh"

"What happened??" Suho asked. She signed, "You should have asked that question way before all this mess." She stated. "I know and we are sorry, Hye-jin" Seo-jun replied.

"I think you are gonna blame me after I tell you what happened" she said, causing him to frown.

"That day..."


Hye-jin was trying to contact Se-yeon but he didn't pick up. She was horrified on hearing the news. How can anyone just accuse an innocent person like that?? She decided to look into his location as Se-yeon and her had each other's location and went to where he was in hurry.

She was terrified at the sight she saw. He was standing at the edge of the roof. "Se-yeon.." she called him out softly, not wanting to scare him.

He turned around and looked at her in despair. "Hye-jin I didn't do it" he pleaded for her to believe him. "I know Se-yeon. You are the most kindest soul, you wouldn't do anything like that." She desperately told him. Her heart was beating hard, terrified.

"But no one believes me..."he said looking down. "Se-yeon I believe you and we can prove it together. So get down..please" she pleaded.

"Hye-jin you have always been there for me. I have always been thankful to you, Seo-jun and Suho. You guys are really important to me...." he said, slightly smiling at her.

"So, please get down, Se-yeon, I beg you" she said, now crying. "I am sorry Hye-jin..But I can't do this.." he said. "Please don't do this..Please.."she began sobbing, trying to get close to him.

"I am sorry, I didn't want to do this to you. Please don't cry over me. You know I love you, right?? Please tell the other two too." He said moving back.

Hye-jin looked at him in fear. He was about to jump and Hye-jin immediately ran towards him and was able to catch him. She had her hands wrapped around his .

"Se-yeon hold onto me, I will pull you up.."she said. She was a mess but she still didn't wanna give up on him. "Just let go, Hyejin-ah" he said, feeling sorry for having her suffer this.

"Stop!!I am gonna pull you up and we are gonna get through this together " she said trying to hold onto him. It was clear that she wouldn't be able to pull him up or hold onto him.

"I am sorry, Hye-jin"he said and started to take her hands away. "No, no..don't..please..stop" she pleaded, he managed to push her hands off.

Her hands began to shake, not believing what just happened. She slid down the wall and curled up into a ball and started sobbing.
After the funeral, her whole life became a mess. She couldn't get a hold of herself but she had to stay strong for the sake of Seo-jun and Suho.

The night that Se-yeon died haunted her every night. The nightmares kept getting worse and worse. Having no one to depend on, she unfortunately began to hurt herself. She didn't wanna do it but somehow, it helped her with the pain.

She knew very well that she had to consult someone but at that time, she had to be there for her two best friends.

The thing about Hye-jin is that she realised from a very young age that she was responsible for herself. She had no adults taking care of her. Even if she stayed with her grandmother, she was taught to be independent and be responsible for her own life. She grew up to be a woman who was unable to ask for help.
Skip to the day Seo-jun and Hye-jim fought

Seo-jun's words stabbed her heart. No matter how she tried to reason with herself that he didn't mean it, it got to her. In fact, both Seo-jun's and Suho's words kept repeating in her head.

'Maybe they are right' her mind said. Then series of thoughts began flooding her mind.

'Se-yeon's dead because of me'

'I could have saved him'

'I don't deserve to live'

After a while, having enough of everything, she decided to end it once and for all. Cause why not. She has now lost everyone she cared about. Maybe it was her all along. The reason for everyone abandoning her.

She took the small knife from her drawer. She stared at it for a bit before pulling up her sleeves. Unhealed cuts were still there. She wanted to end it once and for all. That's why she did it.
Her vision was blurry and her mind, hazy. Flashes of her time with her three best friends, then her time with Seo-jun and lastly she saw Se-yeon. She smiled, seeing his face.

"HYE-JIN!!" her dad began to panic at the sight of his daughter. Blood was oozing out of her wrists. He began to cry, begging for her to stay with him.

This wasn't the sight, he expected to see of his daughter. He hadn't seen her for two years. Why he visited her suddenly? Well he realised he hadn't properly visited her for more than a year. Now he regretted everything. He realised how much of a bad father he was. He only realised this, after seeing the body of his dying daughter.

End of flashback

Seo-jun became a crying mess while Su-ho was in the verge of crying. "Where did you go, Hye-jin?" Suho asked her, trying not to cry.

"Dad first took me to London to seek treatment but nothing worked. Then we went to LA and I was assigned therapist and psychiatrist. That's where I met Ji-Hoon. To be honest, he was a huge help to me" she stated. Suho looked down ashamed. Ashamed that he couldn't be there for her.

Seo-jun couldn't stop himself from crying. His words were the reason she almost died. He couldn't live with it. He rushed out, not wanting to face her.

Hye-jin looked concerned. Suho held her hand tightly, "Don't worry..He will be fine " She nodded.

"Hye-jin I know this doesn't change anything but I am really sorry for what I said that day. I was never really there for you and I am really ashamed of myself. I don't even deserve to be your friend" he apologized to her.

" Suho..I am gonna be completely honest. I was really hurt by your words...I don't think I could start acting the same way all of a sudden. As much as I like to find excuses to defend your behaviour, I shouldn't. If we were friends who truly cared about each other, we would have been there for each other."

Suho cried at her words, knowing she was right. It would be hard for her to pretend like it didn't hurt. Now it was his responsibility to make things right.

'I will make things right between us, Hye-jin'

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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