Benny, Unikitty and the One Cute Duplo (NEW, FF)

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A retold version of "Goldilocks and the Three Bears", but with Lego Movie characters and a different plot. Enjoy this one while you can.

Saturday has arrived at the beautiful land of Syspocalypstar, and everyone seems to enjoy it, knowing that such a sunny day was perfect for picnics and stuff.

But a savory aroma was scented around the whole neighborhood, and Unikitty, who has been outside to enjoy the sunshine and the flowers nearby, caught wind of it and followed the scent to find out where it leads to.

And as she went to fly off and follow it without even looking around her surroundings, she somehow never noticed someone who was sniffing that same scent as well.


Opening her eyes, she saw Benny close by, and felt like he has bumped into her inattentively as he did.

"Oh no! I'm sorry, Unikitty!" he said. "I was busy following that very delicious smell..."

"It's okay, and I smell it too!" she replied. "Where does that come from, anyway?"

"Let's find out!"

The two then went to follow the scent as attentively as they could, and when they found out that it came straight from Emmet's house, both felt very excited that they snapped off their trances, run up the hill and into the door.

Unikitty, being a quadruped and moving much faster than Benny, went inside first and closed the door behind her, and before he can get inside, had himself crashed into the door itself.

"Oww..." he mumbled as he swayed dizzily after being crashed, raising his hand up afterwards. "Well, good thing I wear a helmet!"

When finally recovered, he went inside and saw as Unikitty was found sitting on a chair near the kitchen and watching Emmet take out a pie from the oven and into the dinner table.

"Ooh, I smell apple pie!" Benny went in.

"Benny?" Emmet took notice of his presence that he went to take off the oven mitts in his hands. "Just in time, I just finished baking three pies for our afternoon picnic today!"

"No wonder they smell so good," Unikitty said to him, sniffing a little bit at the pies nearby. "Makes me feel like eating them all."

"Uh-uh, no, Kitz, you know the rules. Don't eat them until the picnic. Remember the last time when you ate up most of my chocolate chip cookies...?"

"My bad," she agreed.

"Yeah, don't wanna happen again. That means you too, Benny."

"I hadn't said anything about eating them!" the space guy protested.

"I know."

Emmet soon gets an idea.

"I have to get my friends for the picnic. Why not you and Unikitty guard the pies while I'm gone?"

"You mean, go on guard duty over three fresh pies?" Unikitty asked. "I hadn't even known them yet, hope it's more than apple pie."

He went to point out a pie and explained: "This one on the left was spicy beef roast pie, for Rex and Lucy, very spicy, don't eat it. The one on the center is cinnamon sweet potato pie, for Sweet Mayhem, and the last was chicken pot pie, for me. Remember what I told you, Kitz, don't eat any of them."


"Uh, what was it again, Emmet?" Benny asked. "I'm kinda confused whichever pie it was, it's too much!"

"Nevermind the pies, just make sure no one else comes here and steal them. Don't even think of eating any of them, either."

"You've said that a lot, I swear I won't."

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