He who must not be named

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This chapter is dedicated to Elise, she made the new cover, thank you so much! Enjoy!


Lily woke from panic of not being able to move. She heard chuckles and slowly she opened her eyes. She found herself hanging upside down and floating in the air in an extremely uncomfortable position. She heard a cold chuckle and then: “So this is the famous Lily?” Lily found a man sitting on the other side of the table, with a hood over his head, revealing his face

She heard snickers and soon she realized there wasn’t just the dark headed figure in the room. But also a lot of other people dressed in black around the long mahogany table. By the room to judge she was in a place of some really wealthy people. “Let me down.” She whimpered as her blood began running down to her head. It was the first time she had spoken and she got all eyes on her now.

The doors burst open and in walked another man dressed in black. “You wanted to see me my Lord.” He spoke and revealed himself. His dark hood drawn back from his head. “Dad?” She breathed as she recognized Snape. “Yes you see, I think you already have met little Lily here, but I have a bit of a problem you see.” It wasn’t before then Snape noticed the figure floating in the middle air. “I want you to get rid of her Severus. The prophecy tells me it is only you who can kill her, the others who try will be…dead.”

Snape looked shocked and for those who had seen Snape before would believe his face couldn’t get paler, but yes it did. Shivers ran down his spine and he swallowed. “No.” He said calmly meeting the red eyes. It was several gasps in the room from the others. With a snap of the cloaked mans long thin fingers the others got up from their seats and left.

“Wormtail!” The man roared and a rat looking man came stumbling in. It was obvious he had been listening. “Yes my Lord?” He asked a little too dramatically. “Bring our little guest to the cellar and make sure she is properly… taken care of.” His voice was smooth, but scaring. He still hadn’t reviled himself, but Lily had an idea she really didn’t want to know how he looked like. By the look of his fingers it wasn’t good.

With a dunk she landed on the table and only a second later she was being towed by her foot. “Dad, Dad!” she cried. Snape stood there, concentrating on not breaking the eye contact of the man known as Lord Voldemort.

Lily was thrown inside a dark, cold and wet cellar. With a dunk she landed on the floor, moaning as the pain from the fall spread in her body. “Have a nice stay.” She heard the rat looking figure say before locking the iron sprinkled door shut. There were no light in the dark cellar and Lily curled together, hearing the painful screams of her father. She covered her ears and closed her eyes. Trying to block out the pictures who flashed threw her mind.

“I only need you to do one little thing Severus, kill her and everything will be forgiven.” His Lord were encircling him and whispering in his ear. “I cannot do what you ask of me.” He spoke calmly cold. “As you wish.” Again he was on the grown, trying to hold his screams back. Memories of everything that had happened flashed threw his eyes in a matter of seconds. “Please?” Snape begged on the floor. “I am afraid I cannot do that. The prophecy tells me when she is dead I will get stronger. I need her dead Severus. And you are going to give it to me.”

“No!” Snape cried and for once he showed emotion. “Hah! Do you love her Severus, as your own?” Voldemort laughed evilly and continued on until Snape didn’t have more energy left.

Lily lied huddled into a corner, her body immobile. She had a tearstained face, which was covered by her arms. The door went up and Snape was thrown inside with a large dunk. He coughed weakly and managed to crawl up against the wall. “Dad?” She whispered. He brought her into his warm robes and held her there. Before she dozed off he mumbled. “I will never let anything happened to you.”

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