making progress

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Chapter 3:

Lily woke up late the next morning. Her clothes were dirty together with her sheets. She hadn't bothered to change. Snape hated her anyway. Without warning she began sobbing again. Why didn't he like her? What had she done wrong? She wished that just this one time someone would actually care for her. But they didn't.

After crying her eyes out she pulled herself together and began to study. Even if nobody liked her, she didn't want to be looked at as stupid. At the orphanage she had been called "Idiot" and she would do anything to prevent that from happening again.

Surprisingly enough her books were very interesting and it helped her make the time pass quicker away. It was getting dark outside before she knew it. She sighed and put her books away. She hadn't eaten all day and she knew she had to speak with her adoptive father sooner or later. Maybe if she apologized properly to him that he might forgive her? Lily knew the answer very well, but didn't dare to think it was true.

Snape was sitting in the living room. Reading a paper with moving pictures. He looked as he didn't want to be disturbed. His face was set on a scowl and he was deeply concentrated. Lily was about to leave again, but swallowed her fear and knocked at the door frame.

"Sir can I come in?" The man with the hooked nose didn't answer. Lily couldn't believe he managed to get his scowl bigger, but he sure did. It looked like this man could create world war three if he wanted to. It also looked like he hated every inch of her. Without warning the words slipped out of her mouth.

"Why do you hate me so badly?" She hadn't even noticed them come out before she clenched a hand in front of her mouth. Her gaze met the floor and she swallowed hard. Tears began to prickle in her eyes and before she knew it she began sobbing in silence.

Snape looked at the creature in the door frame. She looked so innocent, so vulnerable. It was almost impossible to be mean to her. He hadn't known his actions had hurt the child so much. His intensions wasn't to be naughty to her, it was just the way he was. The way he had lived for so long that it was almost impossible to change.

"Lily I don't hate you." It didn't look like Lily believed him. She continued looking down, fighting the tears who were already falling heavily down her cheeks.

"Come here." He extended his arm. Lily's gaze turned slowly from the floor to the hand in front of her. She hesitated, but walked forward and took it.

He let her sit down on the couch beside him and turned to face her. She looked at her hands all the time and it made it even harder not to yell or shout at her. After all he had taken the responsibility of her and she deserved to be treated... with a certain amount of...compaction. But not love. He would not love this child.

"I am sorry for the way I acted last night. I am not so good with... children." He said after a while. Trying to make her feel better. Lily nodded understandingly and figured he wanted to be alone. She was about to get up; when to her surprise Snape stopped her.

"Do you want to sit here with me?" His voice was not soft or fatherly, but he didn't sneer at her. Something he most usually did. Lily looked up at him and smiled one of the most adorable smiles only an eleven year old could do. Snape shook his head mentally and got back to normal. "What do you want to read?" She shrugged. Could she pick whatever she wanted?

He sighed and got up to one of his big shelves were he pulled out a book called "Easy charms" And handed it to her. Lily's eyes widened and even thought she tried to hide it; her eager was not to be mistaken of. Somehow Lily reminded him of himself as a child and that brought back memories. Memories he wasn't too sure he wanted to remember or not.

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