The man with the black robe

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Okay so the cover is made by Vanilla Sky:) Thank you very much!!:D

. Chapter 1

Lily is an orphan girl. She was dumped at the orphanage at a very young age and she had been there for as long as she could remember. Duchess was the name of the matron who took care of the children who lived there. Almost everyone at the orphanage kept their distance from Lily because there were a lot of weird things that happened not only to her but around her as well. Despite the bruises she received from the beatings due to her abnormality, Lily had beautiful long, curly, dark brown hair and green eyes that always sparkled.

"Get up you idiotic child" Miss Duchess screamed as she poured ice water on Lily. "I said that you weren't allowed to leave your room!" Terrified Lily shrank back. "Why are there rats at my office?!" Miss Duchess looked like she was going to go crazy. "I didn't do it, I swear." "Liar!" Miss Duchess whipped Lily over and over again, until she was unconscious. After that she locked her room, preventing her escape.

"Idiot!" Miss Duchess hollered from the floor below her. "A man wants to speak with you!" Idiot was the nickname that Lily had acquired over the years spent at the orphanage. Duchess preferred to call her by her nickname instead of her given name. Lily put a blanket around her arms as she heard the locks of her door being unlatched. She got scared when the man came in through the door. Her room was so small that there was only room for a short bed and a chair. He looked down at her with a disgusted look drawn across his face. He didn't sit down but stood in front of Lily, narrowing his eyes. "I am here to adopt you" He didn't say a word as he grabbed her arm and dragged her threw the door. She shrank back, waiting for the man to hit her if she didn't walk fast enough. After 30 minutes of being towed by the mysterious man, they finally got in a cab. "King's Cross" The man growled, before he took out a news paper from his black robe. She thought his choice of clothing was a bit silly, but she didn't want to get him angry. Around an hour went by, without anyone speaking. She couldn't bare the silence anymore. "Sir, where are you taking me and who are you?" He growled, obviously irritated. She closed her mouth and shut up at once. "I am sorry for asking sir." She said. She shivered a bit. It was really cold. Her bruises covered any visible parts off her body. She tried to cover them up with her arms, but apparently he saw it. He sighed. "My name is Severus Snape, I have adopted you and we are going to Hogwarts." He gripped Lily's arm again. She had to hold back a scream of pain. He squeezed the place her wounds were worst. Quickly he glanced at the cab driver before pulling a small vial from his robe and handing it to her. "Drink it" He said coldly and she quickly obeyed. Lily leaned her head on the cab door, closing her eyes. "I am Lily" She mumbled before she fell asleep.

She was awakened by the sound of a train. So it wasn't just a dream, she thought. The man who called himself Snape sat above her. They were in a train compartment and she noticed that he was reading a book called 'Potions'. Lily didn't want to insult the Snape man so she didn't ask. Then she remembered the word 'Hogwarts'. She tried to hold herself back from asking, but she couldn't. "What is a Hogwarts?" She asked. Now the Snape man looked up from his paper, frowning at her. "Is that supposed to be a joke?" She shook her head. "It is a school" It sounded like he tried really hard to speak gently to her, but it sure as hell didn't work. "Hogwarts is a wizard school." Lily looked up at him in surprise, did she hear correctly? "What did you give me in the cab?" The Snape man looked at her as if she was the stupidest girl in the world. "Healing potion, but you were to skinny for it to work. You fell asleep instead." The Snape man said coldly. Lily noticed that she was really hungry, but she didn't want to ask him for any food. When she had asked the question to Miss Duchess she had whipped her and she feared that the Snape man would do the same. Since she met the Snape man, he looked as if he was really angry all the time. Lily stared down at her hands for another half an hour before she fell asleep again.

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