Screw Endgame

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Salvatore Boarding School

Aaron remembered her. He remembered Hope. Every memory came crashing back to him. But this is where things get complicated for him. He technically never broke up with Hope. And he's currently dating Josie. He was so happy that he had Hope back. And he's so happy he remembers her. But now, he was stuck in a love triangle. He had feelings for both Hope and Josie. Currently, he was getting changed when a knock was heard at his door. "One second." Aaron called out. He put his shoes on and opened the door and saw Lizzie stood there. "Hope freakin' Mikaelson." Lizzie said. "You remember as well." Aaron said.

Lizzie nodded. "And now we need to find her." Lizzie said. "Best chance is she's watching over the Malivore puddle." Aaron said. "Then let's go." Lizzie said. "Right now? I haven't had breakfast yet." Aaron said. "Stop making excuses. Just because you don't want to see her-" Lizzie said but was cut off when Aaron's stomach made a noise. "Oh, your were serious." Lizzie said. Aaron nodded. "Yeah. I can't wait to see her. But I can't do it in an empty stomach." Aaron said. "Ok. Breakfast, then Hope." Lizzie said. Aaron nodded. The two then left for food.

Later ~ Town Square

Hope was doing sit ups in front of the Malivore puddle when Lizzie and Aaron walked up behind her. "Hope Andrea Mikaelson." Lizzie said as her and Aaron walked over to her. Hope stood up shocked. "What?" Hope asked. "It's official. We remember everything. When we woke up from that spell Josie blasted us with, you popped into our brains like an acid flashback." Aaron said. "How? You two are literally the only people on the planet who knows that I exist." Hope said. "Speaking of which." Aaron said.

He walked over and punched her shoulder. "Ow." Hope exclaimed. "That's for not telling you were back." Aaron said angrily. He then hugged her tightly. Since he had grown taller, Hope had to go on her tip toes to wrap her arms around his neck. "And this is to show how much I missed you. Even if I didn't remember you." Aaron said. The two hugged each other tightly, scared that either of them would disappear. Aaron pulled away and looked over her. "You haven't changed a lot." Aaron said. "Same can't be said for you." Hope said. She ran her fingers through his slightly curlier hair and Aaron leaned into her touch on instinct. "Your hair's curlier. And your taller." Hope said.

Aaron smiled. "A thing called puberty. Most teenagers go through it." Aaron said sarcastically. Hope smacked his shoulder. "Your reunion will have to wait." Lizzie said. Aaron looked over at her and walked next to her. "Aaron and Josie are fighting at the moment." Lizzie said. "What?" Hope asked. "There's a decade dance." Lizzie said. "Don't remind me." Aaron said. "Okay, well, that doesn't mean-" Hope said but was cut off. "She asked me to find an excuse to stay with my dad." Lizzie said. "I like how your discussing this like I'm not here." Aaron said. "You would have found out sooner or later. Anyway, Josie is obviously going to apologise to Aaron, he'll apologise to her and she's obviously thinking that they'll have sex after. Now thinking about it, it's not that bad of a plan." Lizzie said.

Just then, the Malivore puddle started smoking. "Ugh. Not a good time." Lizzie said. Hope turned around and saw the puddle. Just then, a woman appeared, dressed in 80s clothing. "Who the hell are you?" Hope asked. "I'm the keeper." The woman said. She looked at the three teenagers. "Ah. And this is gonna be a lot easier than I thought." The woman said. She lifted her arm up and revealed a bracelet on her arm. "Welcome to the game." The woman said. The bracelet flower and then the woman disappeared. "Well, that was anticlimactic." Aaron said. The three started walking.

"We have to get to the school to protect Landon." Hope said. "More like protect Josie from Landon giving her the 'you're with my best friend' speech." Lizzie said. The three started crossing the road, when a car came out of nowhere. Lizzie, Aaron and Hope froze before they were hit by the car. The three then sat up where they started. "What just happened?" Lizzie asked. "I think the game just started." Hope and Aaron said. "Is it weird I missed that?" Lizzie asked. "What? Us speaking at the same time?" Aaron asked. Lizzie nodded. Aaron shrugged. The three stood up and walked back to the road. They stood at the edge of the pavement. "Okay, let's try this again." Hope said.

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