Chapter 11

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Natasha's POV:

"Come on Kat let's go and pack our bags to go on a little trip to London"I say as I pick my sleepy toddler up from my bed.

She yawns and puts her head into the crook of my neck and she holds onto my t-shirt.

"Now we have to go pack two pairs of pyjamas, three pairs of underwear and socks, a little dress, two outfits and some shoes"I say as we walk over to the closet.

I get Kat to hold her outfits while I get mine out and we sit in the floor and I open the suitcase.

We are sharing a suitcase because it is only me and Kat and it is only a weekend.

"We are gonna put your stuff over here and my stuff here okay"I tell Kat and she nods her head.

We pack all of our stuff and I close the suitcase and then I get the carry on bag and put her toys and stuff in there.

That Night:

"It's okay baby you can sleep on the plane"I whisper as I help Kat put her coat on, it is 10pm and Kat went to sleep at 8pm just after dinner like she always does and I have just woken her up as we have to leave to the airport.

"Mama"She cries and I sigh and pick her up as Steve carries the bags to the car, he hugs me and Kat before walking back to the door and I strap Kat into her car seat.

"Bye Steve, I'll see you all on Monday night"I say and hug him again before heading back to the car and I get in before waving to Steve as he walks back into the compound.

I look behind me and see Kat fast asleep laying limp in her car seat, I grab her blanket and lay it over her to keep her warm as she is in her pyjamas and a coat and it is the middle of winter.

I hold Kat as we walk onto Tony's private jet that he let us use to get to and from London.

Kat is fast asleep in my arms as I sit down on the plane, I buckle my seatbelt and hold a sleeping Kat in my arms as the plane takes off.

Once Kat wakes up we are halfway to London, she looks at me and smiles softly.

"Hey baby, did you have a good sleep?"I ask her and she nods her head before pointing to my boob making me laugh.

I pull my top up and I don't have a bra on so she can just latch on straight away.

She latches on and starts to suckle gently for a little while.

We reach London and Kat jumps off my lap and runs to the window to see people on the runway.

"Come on mama!"She shouts as she jumps up and down, I laugh and grab our bag and suitcase before grabbing her hand.

"Let's go baby"I say as the door to the stairs open.

We both walk out and take a deep breath of the fresh air.

We make it to the hotel and check in before heading up to the room and as soon as we walk on Kat runs and tries to jump on the bed but she is too small.

"Let me help you"I say as I walk over to her and lift her onto the bed.

She jumps up and down on the bed before sitting down looking at me unpacking.

"We are gonna get into bed and tomorrow we are going to go shopping and we are gonna walk around London"I say tickling her tummy making her burst out giggling.

I take her coat and boots off and then my own and we climb into the bed together and soon after we fall asleep.

The Next Morning:

"Mama wake up, wake up!"Kat says quietly as she shakes me awake, I groan and open my eyes and look at me smiling daughter who is sitting on my stomach.

I look at the time at see it's 8am, I smile at Kat and kiss her cheek before sitting up in the bed.

"Morning baby"I say hugging Kat and she hugs me back.

"Morning mama"She whispers into my chest.

"Are you excited for today?"I ask her and she sits up and nods her head frantically smiling widely making me chuckle slightly at her antics.

"Let's get into the bath then before breakfast"I say and she squeals as I stand up with her in my arms.

I run the bath and sit Kat down in the bath and then I sit behind her and start the wash her hair before washing her body and then I wash my own hair and then my body.

I get out of the bath and wrap myself in a towel before getting Kat out of the bath and wrap her in a towel.

"Let's dry our hair then"I say and I dry and style Kat's hair and then do my own and then I get both of us dressed before getting our coats on and then our boots before leaving the room.

We walk to a little breakfast place and we eat out breakfast there before heading out to do some shopping and then we hold hands as we walk around London enjoying the scenery and the busy streets.

It's nice to just have one on one time with Kat as we don't get that a lot because we live with five boys so you are never escape them.

The Next Day:

"Mama can we go on the bwig wheel?"Kat asks me and I nod as we walk towards it, we got on and sit down, Kat stands up and looks out of the window.

That's when I realise that my life is complete, I have my daughter back and that's all I've wanted in my life.

I look at Kat and realise she is my whole world, she is the only thing I need to be happy in this world.

I remember when she was taken away from and I thought I was never going to find her ever again but that mission in the base where I found I was overly thrilled at the fact I have my daughter back.

"Kat honey please come here for a second"I say to my daughter and she turns to look at me with a smile on her face.

"Yes mama?"She says walking over to me.

"I love you so much baby"I whisper as I lift her up onto my lap and hug her as tight as I can.

"I love you too mama"She whisper and I stay holding my daughter in my arms.

I am complete, I have my whole world in my arms and that's all I need....

Authors Note

This is the end of this story, I was nearly crying writing the end of this story because I am just happy that Nat is happy with her daughter.

Thank you all for reading this story and i'll many more stories for the next few months

i'll be starting a new story in a few weeks I have had this request for awhile now but haven't gotten around the writing it so now is the time for your request


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