Eddie Munson Halloween Headcanons

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word count: 646

a/n: hii! thank you for clicking on my story! all of my head canon stories will only have one part to them unless I made another headcanon thing under the same category. I hope you enjoy!!

warnings: none, just fluff!


-he sneaks through your window at like 1 in the morning dressed as michael myers to scare you awake while you're asleep, but to his surprise, you're still awake at your desk reading your new book.

-he was surprised you didn't hear him come in, but you did have your headphones blasting whatever cassette was in your walkman at the time, so you were completely oblivious as to what was going on.

-eddie saw this opportunity and snuck up and you and aggressively put his hands on your shoulder (not so hard it hurt you, but hard enough it startled the shit out of you)

-"AHH!" you screamed, throwing your book across the room. all he did was burst out laughing (to be fair though it was kinda funny)

-"EDDIE?? what the hell?? you know i hate it when you sneak up on me, especially when it's literally 1 in the morning!!" you say heart beating faster than ever.

-"i'm sorry!! i'm sorry! it's halloween and i had to do something to scare you!!" (btw he was in fact not sorry at all lol he enjoyed it way too much then he should've)

-"you're a fucking asshole munson. i almost had a heart attack."

-"my bad, my bad!!!"

-once you both settled down, he ended up falling asleep with you i your bed, and in the morning you both had some breakfast and then finished up your costumes.

-you guys dressed up as your d&d characters. this was a project that you've both been working on for about a month or so, you guys were really proud of how it ended up turning out.

-later you guys went around the neighbourhood stealing all the candy out of bowls. -at the end of the night you guys ended up having 2 1/2 pillowcases full of candy.

-once you guys made it back to eddie's trailer, he went to the family video to go and get some movies. he rented 3, halloween, nightmare on elm street, and nightmare on elm street 2.

-lucky for him, robin was working that night, so she told eddie to just take them, but to have them returned by the following day so she didn't get in trouble.

-while eddie was out getting the movies, you started making some popcorn. eddie seemed to REALLY love EXTRA buttery and salty popcorn, so thats what you made. (tbf the way he likes his popcorn si actually really fucking good, but its just horrible for your health lol but so worth it to your taste buds)

-once he got home, you guys started the movies right away. -half way through the second movie, you ended up falling asleep in your lap.

-eddie noticed pretty quickly and he thought it was the cutest thing ever seeing you sleep. he took a mental photo.

-5-10 minutes later he really needed to go pee, but he didn't want to wake you up, so he etried holding it a little longer but that wasn't going to work.

-he took a pillow and put it under your head as he shifted off of the couch so he didn't wake you up.

-it did end up waking you up. he muttered out a "sorry" before he rushed to the bathroom. he felt a little bad since he woke you up

-but he didn't feel as bad when he returned and you were once again knocked right out. he sat right beside you and finished watching the rest of the movies he brought.

-afterwards he was pretty tired, so he put away a few of the dishes and then carried you right to bed. you woke up again, but you didn't mind since you were being brought to bed by the love of your life.

Eddie Munson - Halloween HeadcanonsWhere stories live. Discover now