Chapter 7 An Enemy And Past Memories

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Daniel was just walking to school, looking at the map on his phone. "Hey Daniel, how is it going?" Miss Elaina said. Daniel was caught off guard, he puts his phone back to his pocket. "GAHH!..Umm I'm not doing anything!" Daniel said "What do you mean not doing anything? If you weren't doing anything you would have not been walking then." Miss Elaina explains.

"Sorry I was caught off guard, anyways I'm just doing fine." Daniel said "Hey guys what going on?" Wednesday appears. "Doing good how about you." Miss Elaina said.  "Ehh I'm doing fine, but where's O, Jodi, and Katerina?" Wednesday questions.

"Jodi, O, and Katerina are already at school." Daniel said "Oh so I guess it's just us then walking to school." Miss Elaina said "I guess." Wednesday said.

As they were walking they noticed how distant Daniel has been. "Umm Wednesday?" Miss Elaina said. "Yes?" Wednesday questioned. "Have you noticed Daniel has been distant lately?" Miss Elaina asked. "Yeah I know what you mean, I hope he's okay." Wednesday said 

(A bit later in there classroom)

"Here's the homework Mr Johnson." Daniel said. "Thank's you seem to did a pretty good job Daniel." Johnson said.  "Oh hey guys." O and Jodi said "Hey O, hey Jodi, where's Katerina?"Miss Elaina asked.

"Oh she just getting her water bottle refilled." O explains "Okay guess will just hangout for a bit then." Wednesday said

As Daniel friends started talking Daniel decided to go and look for Katerina. Later he found Katerina down the hallway.

(Daniel's mind: "Oh there she is.")

Daniel walked over to Katerina when a huge kid came out of nowhere and blocked his way. "Hey you there." the person said. Daniel stop and took a look at him. He's was tall with white t shirt and blue pants.

"You gotta pay to get by me." the person said. "Since when?" Daniel asks. "Since now." the person said. "How about no." Daniel replies

Daniel try's to get around him but he moves in his way. Then he juked the bully and ran past him. "Well guess I wouldn't be paying for you after all. Bye." Daniel walked along but then the bully grabbed something.

"Ohh what's this?" the bully questions. Daniel turned around and saw that the guy had his key chain in his hand. "Some keys and what this? A bout." the bully laughed "Give that back NOW!" Daniel requested

"Naw you can just carry-on. You already have payed me and why do you have an about on your keychain." The bully said. "I'll say that it's the most lame and stupid thing that I have ever se"

Daniel then quickly snatched his keychains out of his hand.

"HEY WHAT THE HECK MAN. The bully looked a Daniel's face. He had a mad expression on his face, his ears was lowered, and his pupils were almost black. "Oh so you do care about this thing. Well guess I'll take it from you then." The bully said. "DON'T YOU DARE." Daniel puts his keychains back in his pocket and got into a fight stands.

There where no people who saw this and they where in a blind spot for the cameras to see.

(Meanwhile with Katerina)

"Hmm I wonder what's going on there?" Katerina asked

Katerina looked closer and she was shocked to find Daniel in a fighting position and a tall kid with his Fist, ready to punch.

"Come on FIGHT." The bully demanded. Daniel did not say. "Very well then." The bully said. The bully then tries to punch Daniel. But Daniel moved and hit his arm. Even though he was angry at the bully. He didn't want to hurt him so bad 

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