Chapter 20 Other Perspective

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Margaret woke up the next morning. She had recently gotten use to waking up in a different home but still missed the good old days.

She got up and see Hereriet. "Oh, Morning Margaret." Hereriet said. "Morning." Margaret replied. "I've made both of you guys breakfast." Hereriet then handed a plate of scrambled eggs and toast for Margaret. "Oh thanks" Margaret then takes her plate to the table and eats it.

"They tasted great. Thanks Hereriet." Margaret replied. "Your welcome."

Daniel then Walks in. "Hey Daniel. How your feeling?" Hereriet asked. "A bit better but still got a headache." Daniel replied. "Do you want to stay for the day?" Hereriet asked. "Sure.." Daniel replied.

Margaret felt bad for her brother. Not only that he had a minor concussion the previous day, but also that he had a nightmare last night too. The two of them had been through a lot in the past week.

Margaret would head to school. She does get along with her peers very well and has a couple of friends. She noticed how she's getting more notice since the beginning of the week.

A lot of them knew what happened last weekend, and felt sorry for her. They would hand her gifts, saying sorry for her, and sometimes talk to her.

Right as she sat down to her desk a friend of her came to her. "Hey Margaret." She said. "Oh hey Abby, How are you this morning?"

"Oh I'm doing just fine. I'm just checking on you." Abby said. "Hey you've been doing that the past 3 days. I'm doing quite fine." Margaret teased.

Abby smiled. "But to be honest, I'm kinda scared for my brother." Margaret stated. "Your brother?" Abby asked. "Yeah. Not only that he got a mild concussion, but he seemed depressed most of the days." Margaret explained.

"Oh I don't know what to say." Abby replied. "Me too. I just hope it doesn't get worse." Margaret said.

"Yeah. But here's my advice, try to spend more time with him. It might make him feel happier to be with you." Abby said

Margaret smiled. "I appreciate it."

"Anytime." Abby said.

For the rest of the day of school Margaret's time was usually the same. But she does get sad whenever she was reminded of her parents. But it was a usual day.

When school ended that afternoon her friends asked her to hang out with them. She usually goes but remembering Abby's advice she decided to head home.

Margaret made her way home. But she decided to stop by at the park. She remembers all of the good memories back in the day. Playing on the playground. And her dad's clock factory. She forgot on how he owns it. But it was recently sold to another owner. But he did a good job taking care of it.

Margaret teared up with all of her memories there.

After wiping her tears away she walk while looking at the clock factory for the last time before she bumped into someone. She held her forehead due to her head smacking into the other person's head.

"Oh No. I'm So Sorry. I wasn't looking." Margaret apologized. "No No. It's fine. I wasn't either." A female said.

Both of them then recognized each other's voice. They both looked at each other and Margaret realized it was Katerina that she bumped into.

"Oh Katerina!" Margaret said. "H..Hey Margaret. I wasn't expecting to see you here." Katerina said. "Yeah. Me neither."

Both of them then found a bench to sit on.

"So how are you doing since we last saw each other?" Katerina asked. "I'm doing just fine. How about you?" Margaret Asked. "I'm doing fine as well" Katerina replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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