Chapter 4

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Hope pov

The next day I arrived at school the news of the werewolf sighting had died down some and was replaced with talk of the upcoming election.

I really thought we'd all be
at the Prawn together. I thought Seabrook could change. Addison said as she and I walked with Zed down the hall.

It did. Believe me, I will find a way to get us to the Prawn. Zed said

Or we could miss prawn together. Addison suggested

I'm not letting you miss the Prawn Zed said

If you can't go,I'm not going. Addison said

Well, I like you too much
not to let you go. Zed replied

Well, I like you too much to leave you behind. I am so not going. Addison said

Ugh, you guys even fight like a perfect couple. Eliza said coming up to us

She wasn't wrong.

How's it going, Eliza? I asked

You know, fighting injustice
is keeping me busy. especially now with the zombies laws back in place eliza said

And looking good doing it,
Zom-bae. I said as I heard Bucky's big mouth coming up the hall

I'm thinking the student
president should get his own
corner office. Let's see if we can move out the math department. Write that down Bucky said to JC

Done JC said

Addison! Hope! Time to officially nominate me as president. Bucky said

Yeah I'm not doing that. I said

Let's keep it understated,
yet extravagant and flashy.
Ooh, yeah. Make sure... Bucky said as he and JC walked down the hall

Cheer could be so much
more than just pom-pomming for Bucky. Addison said as I noticed Lacey and Stacey coming our way

Uh, Addison? Once we're cheer captain, you are so off the team. Lacey said

And when I'm cheer captain, you'll be welcome to stay, because I'll be making cheer about bringing people together. Addison said with a smile

That was awful trash talk. Stacey said

I know, right? You will never be
cheer captain, freak. See ya. Lacey said as she and Stacy left

You should really punch their lights out I said

Hope I told you violence won't solve this Addison said

That's your opinion I said as I walked away to put my books in my locker

*Time skip*

Soon it was time for the rally for the election and me and Addison stood next to the other cheerleaders

I watched as principal lee talked and make a complete idiot of herself and just shook my head

She really needed to act her own age and try to make friends with adults her own age.

Great news, we have a brilliant
and cheer tested candidate
running for president
this year. principal lee said as Bucky made a over the top dramatic entrance

Me! Bucky said as the crowd started cheering

I started scrolling on my phone already bored of all this but quickly brought my attention back to the stage when I heard Zed fall on to the stage

Zombie strong! Hello, everyone.
My name is Zed, and I am running for president. Zed said as I raised an eyebrow

Zed can't steal my spotlight. What about the whole anti-monster thingy? Bucky complained

the werewolf and the tribrid (a Willa lykensen fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now