HB C11

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A/N; Hiya Folks, I know it's been awhile since updates but between getting the kids back into the swing of school, doctor appointments and just being sick myself, I haven't been in to much of a mood to write. But I managed to get this done and hopefully I will get more soon. So please enjoy this small updates and thanks for barring with me. Special thanks to Alejandra for checking up on me on Instagram. Enjoy 😄

"Hello Ada." Coach Dee said when they came in for the sleepover.
"Hi." Adaley said.
"She's super excited to be here." Becky said.
"Most of the girls are too." Coach said. "Here is an agenda for today and tomorrow., I have your sleeping place marked as Five, so go set up and we'll begin once everyone is here and ready."
"Thanks." Becky said taking the paper.
"I see us." Adaley said. "We're next to Rosalyn and Avery."
"Okay." Becky said as they made their way over.
The girls were excited and they talked while they set things up.

"Okay ladies welcome." Coach Dee said as the girls sat in a circle around a fake fire. "Girls why don't we go around and you can introduce us to your moms."
"May I start?" Adaley asked.
"Of course? Coach Dee said.
"Thanks." Adaley said. "I am Adaley and this is my soon to be forever mommy Becky."
"Hello." Becky said.
"Thanks, Avery?" Coach Dee said.
"I am Avery and this is my mom." Avery said softly.
"Hi, I am Erica." She said.
"I am Rosalyn and this is my mom Janet." Rosalyn said.
"Hi I am Sofia and this is my mom, Mom." Sofia said making everyone giggle.
"I am Evelyn." Her mom said.
"I am Courtney and this is my mom Brooke."
"I'm Chelsea and this is my mom Aubrè Jo, but my dad calls her AJ." Chelsea said.
"Either work." AJ said with a chuckle.
"I am Nicole and this is my grandma Colby." Nicole said softly.
"Hello." Colby said smiling.
"I am June and my mom had to work." June said.
"And that would be me." Coach Dee said. "Welcome all, I hope we have lots of fun  and make some lasting memories."
Through out the evening they played games, laughed a lot had dinner and made s'more outside in the fire pit.
"Thanks daddy." Adaley said.
"You're welcome." Seth said.
"Girl can we all thanks Mr. Rollins for setting up out s'mores feast." Coach Dee said.
"Thank you." Everyone chirped.
"It was my pleasure." Seth said smiling.
"Okay girls, let's go get cleaned up and into our PJ's." Coach Dee said.

"Hey." Becky said. "This was sweet of you."
"Thanks." Seth said. "I wanted it to be extra special."
"We'll it was." Becky said giving him a small kiss. "See you tomorrow."
Seth nodded and Becky went inside and they got ready.

"Look they match." Avery said.
"See I told you we weren't going to be the only ones." Erica said.
"It's fun to match." Adaley said. "Becky and I do it all the time."
"My mom works at a fancy office so she wears lady suits all the time." Avery said.
"Being a lawyer means you gotta wear the monkey suit." Erica said with a giggle.
"All jobs require some kind of attire." Becky said.
"Yes, no one wants people to walk around naked." Avery said making them giggle.
"Nope." Becky said.
After everyone was changed they settled into the sleeping bags and Coach Dee read some stories until everyone was asleep.

"Morning." Becky said seeing Adaley stretch.
"Good morning." Adaley said sitting up. "The floor is hard."
"It is." Becky said. "We'll be in our beds tonight."
"Yep, but this was fun." Adaley said.
Becky smiled and they quietly got up and dressed.
"Who's that?" Adaley asked as Becky texted in her phone.
"Your dad." Becky said going over to the door and unlocking it.
"Daddy." Adaley said.
"I thought I would surprise you all and bring doughnuts, coffee and juice." Seth said.
"That is very kind of your Mr. Rollins." Coach Dee said taking a coffee. "Hmmm, gift from the gods."
"Yes." Seth said. "I brought all kinds of morning goodies from 392."
"Let's set things over here." Becky said. "So everyone can dish up."
Seth nodded and they got to work. Once everyone was up they ate.
"I'll takes these now so you can enjoy the rest of your morning." Seth said taking their bags.
"Thanks." Becky said.

"Okay girls, I have some presents for you." Coach Dee said.
She and June moved around the room handing each girl a blue and pink duffel bag.
"These are your official travel duffles." Coach Dee said as the girls began opening them. "Inside you have your new team leos, jackets and some other goodies like a key chair, water bottle and so on."
"These are so cool." Adaley said holding up her leo.
"I agree." Becky said. "Wanna try in your jacket?"
"Yes please." Adaley said and Becky help her slip it on.
"It has your last name on it." Becky said.
"When you marry daddy are you going to take daddy's last name?" Adaley asked.
"Yes but for wwe I will remain Becky Lynch." Becky said. "I want to match my new family."
"Yay." Adaley said hugging her.

"Inside you have your list of things to make sure you pack, information on the event we're going to and your plane tickets." Coach Dee said. "I want you all to make sure you're still stretching at home and take the next few days to get ready, relax and chill before we fly to Las Vegas."

After they repacked their goodie duffles and helped clean up from their sleepover they headed home.
"We're home." Adaley called walking in.
"Welcome home." Seth said coming out of the kitchen.
"Can I have a bubble bath?" Adaley asked.
"Go for it." Becky said and Adaley ran to her room.
"How are you?" Seth asked.
"Good." Becky said. "It was fun to do this with her."
"I am glad." Seth said leaning down and kissing her.
"You look tired." Becky said.
"I am used to sleeping with you in my arms." Seth said.
"Me too." Becky said.
"Becky." Adaley called. "Can you help me please."
"I'm coming." Becky said.

Walking in Becky helped her add the scent she wanted to use and then helped her with her face mask.
"Becky?" Adaley asked as she laid down in the foamy water.
"Yes?" Becky asked.
"Do you think one day we could go to a real spa and do all this?" Adaley asked.
"I think we can arrange that." Becky said. "I'll plan an extra special day for just you and I."
"Our first mother daughter trip." Adaley said.
"Yes." Becky said smiling. "Hi."
"Hi, yesterday these arrived in the mail." Seth said handing her some cooling eye covers. "I read the direction and placed them in the refrigerator."
"Thanks." Becky said. "Close you eyes sweet girl and we'll try them out."
"Okay." Adaley said.
She closed her eyes and Becky placed the eye covers over her eyes and Adaley sighed.
"You relax and call me when you're done." Becky said switching in her music.
"I will." Adaley said. "Can we get Chinese for dinner."
"Sounds good." Seth said.
They walked back to the living room and Seth sat on the couch and pulled Becky onto his lap.
"She's excited to be getting you as her forever mom." Seth said.
"I'm loving all I get to do for her." Becky said.
"I was thinking for a wedding present to her, what if you sign adoption papers and make her legally yours." Seth said.
"Yes." Becky said as tears formed in her eyes. "I love you."
"I love you." Seth said and she leaned down and kissed him and they sat kissing until Adaley called for her.

After getting Adaley cleaned up they looked over the menus and picked out what they wanted for dinner.

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