Chapter Two

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Seven years later, James is 18. He wakes up with an instinctually queasy feeling as if something is wrong.  As he strains his senses, he hears gunshots from dozens of E-5 blasters echo throughout the base but none near his bunking yet.

James swings out of bed and creeps up to the bunks of his other four squad members, shaking them awake and whispering, "Shhhh, stay quiet, we are under attack, I believe.

They wake up groggily and Blue 2, "Ace" asks, "What's going... on?!"

James whispers, "We're under attack, from the looks of it. Get your armor on and standby near the barracks entrance. I will arouse the other clone cadets in the barracks."

As Blue squad climbs swiftly yet quietly out of their bunks, James says, "Oh, one last thing, try not to make a sound until we are all ready and armed."

James swiftly wakens the other cadets outside his bunking and they quickly get equipped with stun blasters while still drowsy and adapting to the sudden situation.

Once the squads are ready, James has Blue 4, "Ray," check the hall.

As squad leader, James tells  Ray, "Open the door slowly and check outside to make sure it is clear, We only have emergency power so you will have to pull the door open. Fall back inside if it is all clear.

Ray steps up to the door and pulls it open slowly so anyone outside is not alerted. He pokes his head through the door then slips back in and says to James, "All clear."

James turns to Blue 3 "Mark" and tells him, "Mark, cover the rear." He then turns towards Blue 5 "George" and says, "George, cover the right flank, Ray left flank, and Ace, up front with me." James peers behind him towards the four other squads, Red, Green, Orange, and Yellow, all consisting of five clones, "Alright, my squad will take point, if any of you see a rotten clanker, don't stop, alert the rest of us and sprint for the armory. Do not look back. Alright, let's move." James motions for them to start moving forward.

James and Ace step out first with the rest of the squad following behind. They jog swiftly  and quietly towards the armory with Blue squad on point, Red squad on the right, Green squad on the left, with Orange and Yellow squads covering the rear approach towards the armory so as not to alert anyone of their presence. They reach the armory without spotting a soul, droid or clone James raises his hand in a fist, arm cocked at a ninety degree angle, the command to stop at the corner of the corridor. The armory lies right on the other side of the corner. James peers around the side of the corner, verifies it is all clear, and gives the signal to move.

They walk in and James says, "Grab all the weapons you can carry, we may find other survivors needing weapons." James grabs a DC15A heavy blaster, one DC15S blaster rifle, and two DC17B pistols which he tucks into holsters. He also grabs eight thermal detonators that he straps to a grenade holster over his chest. He carries the DC15A in his hands and straps the DC15S into the chest strap on his back.

He notices Ace has a large Z6 gatling gun then checks the rest of the squad's gear, "Okay, let's move! You see any clankers, hit them fast and hard, we are moving to the Generals headquarters which is conveniently located around the next bend in the corridor."

They step out and walk down a corridor until they reach a corner. James peeks around the corner and spots Alpha Team, Gamma team, and the General and his personal guards in the humongous arena with glass that starts  and ends in a glass roof. And they are completely surrounded bu droids of all sorts. The clones and the General have set up a temporary barricade encircling them. And most are weaponless.

"ace, lay down suppressing fire, keep moving forward with the Z6 as you do. Ray and mark, lob some grenades in there. George, charge to the barricades. Snap to it!"

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