Star Wars: The Clone Beyond a Clone

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James is eleven years old, and a clone created on the planet, Kamino. He has surpassed most of the other clones at only the age of eleven. And he shall one day be the greatest clone to ever live before.

"James, CT-2261, report to my office ASAP." General Lance Casker, the Jedi in charge of this particular Cloning Facility booms over the intercom. James perks up at the mention of his name and slips out of bed as the intercom clicks off. He quickly climbs into his cadet uniform and moves towards the door. As he approaches the door, it slides open silently and he steps out into the corridor. James walks at a nice even pace towards the General's office, the click of his heeled boots on the hard floor resonating throughout the corridor.

He quickly reaches the General's office and distinctly raps his knuckles on the door. A rustling is heard from inside and a voice calls out "James, you may enter."James presses the access interface alongside the door frame and the door slides open. He quickly takes a few steps in, salutes rigidly, and yells, "Sir, reporting as requested!"

He stands in that position as the General assesses him with a somber expression clearly plastered across his face before he says, "At ease and take a seat, son"

James slowly sits down in the seat in front of the General's desk then he continues, "James, one day, I promise you, you shall be one of the finest clones we will ever have at this rate. The predicament is, something malfunctioned during your cloning process and we are still unsure of what, which made you extremely gifted in nearly everything, but you age at the same rate as a normal human but with a largely prolonged lifespan. I therefore regret to inform you that we will not be sending you into combat until you are 19, so you must wait 8 years. Plenty of time for you to hone your skills. I deeply apologize for this transgression. Now, dismissed!" James salutes then walks out feeling depressed. He walks back to his bunk and collapses in his bed, stifling his tears in his pillow.

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