Chapter 3

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The next morning, the intercom announces, "Blue, Red, Green, Orange, and Yellow Teams, report to the landing pads. Pack any gear you are taking with you beforehand and bring it too." The intercom then shuts off with a crackle of static.

Blue team wakes up groggily from their long sleep and slowly puts on their armor and packs any gear they are taking. They then march to the landing pad, meeting up with the other four squads along the way. They reach the landing pad and line up, each swuad behind another squad, with Blue Team respectively in front.

The General walks onto the landing pad, stands infront of them, and says, "I know you were hoping for a speech, but all I have to say is, stay alive and we may meet eachother again. Now load up!"

The clones pile into the gunships, which will fly them to the flagship-class Venator surrounded by cruisers and destroyers which are going to fly them to Geonosis.

The gunship's doors close, making the interior airtight and they take off. One hour later, they arrive at the flagship's hangar. They disembark as soon as it lands and head to their new bunks.

They fell the lurch of jumping into hyperdrive, then they crash out on their bunks.

Six hours later, they again feel the lurch as they jump out of hyperdrive. They climb into their armor and gather their gear at record speed and sprint to the hangar where Fleet Admiral Ackatar is waiting for them. THey fall in, salute the Fleet Admiral, then when he salutes back, they stand at ease.

 The Admiral begins to speak, "You will be flying in hot, there will be 54 gunships dropping from this flagship, most of them shall be decoys. Now, understand, most of you will most likely not even reach the surface. But good luck, now LOAD UP!"

The clones climb into their assigned droships and the hangar bays open. They take off out of the hangar, and fly about 30 seconds before unrelenting fire from Geonosis' surface lets loose around them. Four gunships close by Blue Team's one blow up almost immediately, exploding in great balls of fire.

The lead pilot yells over the radio, "Evasive maneuvers immediately!" The gunships start swrving left to right and up and down. Blue Team's pilot yells back to them, "Hold on tight, this is going to get bumpy!"

James yells out to the pilot on the radio in his helmet, "If we get shot down, stick with us, and you may just live! You too, co'pilot! By the way, what's your names?"

The pilot replies, "My name is Zero, and my co-pilot is named Beta.

At that moment, the ships rocks violently and the pilot exclaims, "Crap, our engines are blown, we're going down, hang on tight!" The gunship flips upside down and starts spinning and the pilot somehow miracuously flips it back onto its belly right before it hits the ground. They hit the ground hard, bounce along the ground a couple times, then skid about 20 feet before finally coming to a abrupt stop.

James asks over the radio, "Is everyone here okay?" And they all check in, including Zero and Beta. "Hey Zero and Beta, you have any ground training?" James asks them.

"Mhm, we have plenty incase of situations such as this one." Beta replies.

"Good, good, the pile out!" James then orders. The squad now made up of seven clones piles out of the gunship and cover all areas of approach.

Fan out secure the perimeter!" James orders as he walks among the clones.

The pilot, Zero checks the gunships commlink and reports, "Commlink is down, we need to find another squad with a  working commlink.

"Okay, Blue Team, form up, arrow formation, let's move!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2016 ⏰

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