Chapter 1

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Jason pov-
I calmly leaned against my red Lamborghini, holding my 1 month old youngest daughter, Ariana Rose Todd and playing with her, silently waiting for my other 3 children to come out of Gotham Academy as the students poured out of the building, not seeing my older brother Dick Grayson a few cars away with my little brothers Tim Drake and Damian Wayne all staring at me while the little two went to him.

It wasn't long before I finally spotted 8 year old Jake William Todd, 6 year old Alex Julien Todd, and 3 year old Kylie Danielle Todd, and I noticed that they were chatting with their friends, all smiling and laughing. Alex went with his friends to the bus and fist bumped them goodbye, then went over to Kylie, who had a few papers in her hands, and stood by her while her friends said goodbye, and they started looking around for me.

Kylie spotted me first, and she made it obvious. "DADDY!!" She shouted/cheered, and she sprinted over to me with a huge smile on her face. Alex grinned and ran with her, slowing his pace so that she could keep up with him. "Daddy! Daddy! Look what I got! Look what I got, Daddy!" She said as I got to her height, still not noticing my brothers staring at me or Dick with his phone up. Alex carefully took Ariana, who giggled at him and reached her arms up to play with his face, and my son giggled back and tickled her.

I looked at the papers Kylie handed me as Jake walked up and hugged me. "Hey Dad! Oh, you brought Ari!" He said, then went to his baby sister with a smile. Me, I felt a huge smile of pride on my face as I looked at the 100's on my daughter's homework and the 'good job!' stickers on them. She even got a smiley face stamp on them.

"Hey! Good job, Kiddo! I'm so proud of you, Kylie!" I said, giving her a hug. The girl beamed with joy and showed her brothers, and Alex congratulated her while Jake picked her up and spun around, making her squeal with laughter. I laughed with them, and got a brilliant idea. "You know, I think this should be celebrated. What do you say we go to the ice cream shop downtown, and I'll get all of you a treat? Sound good?" I asked, and they cheered excitedly.

No, I didn't bother trying to resist my huge smile as it spread on my face. I loved these kids, and wouldn't trade anything for them. These kids were my light at the end of my dark tunnel, and I loved them more than myself. Anyone who even looked at them funny would get their ass kicked. I was extremely protective of them, just as they were with me, and I spoiled them to no end. I was giving them the life that I never had growing up.

I grew up being abused and neglected, and my mom overdosed while I was 6, and my dad had recently died in prison. I grew up with nothing but pain and fear, always hungry and sick, and alone, except for my best friend Roy Harper, and lived in the streets for 5 years before Bruce adopted me.

But even then, it still was hard. Sure, Bruce was a good parent, but he was always busy being Bruce and Batman, and rarely had time for me growing up. Dick had moved out when I moved in, since he'd hated me because I was replacing him as Robin after he became Nightwing, and he moved to Bludhaven to work as a cop, which left me alone in the manor, except for Grandpa Alfred and Ace the German Shepherd, who lived with me now because he was more attached to me than any of the Wayne family members, and did nothing but cause trouble when I left him at the manor, so I eventually took him from them and to my house, which was a pretty large house, like, a small mansion with literally anything we could ever want.

And no, I didn't use Bruce's money to buy it. I had a couple of jobs and bought it myself.

Hell, I was richer than the old man himself. I had found out that Bruce was indeed not a billionaire but a trillionaire, so I decided to do what I had loved to do growing up and became a singer, songwriter, and musician. I could play any guitar, the drums, piano, and did concerts all the time. I went by the name Audio Crash, and was way richer than my adoptive father, being a multitrillionaire and close to a quadrillionaire. Yea, I was also still Red Hood, but I didn't go out nearly as often as I used to.

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