Moving To NYC pt1

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Just a few weeks ago your grandparents passed away from two different causes, but luckily each passed peacefully. You had to pack up all your belongings and the house so one of your uncles could move in with his large family. Your uncle inherited the house, the other family house was owned by your father Kirby O'Neil.
A Lot of your grandparents' belongings ended up in storage as well as a lot of your own belongings. Ensuring your uncle's greedy wife wouldn't sell anything. You had called the storage facility to set up passwords and multiple locks to make sure she couldn't get in.
You only had your most important items to bring with you and the basics. You luckily had family in NYC so you had somewhere to go. But there wasn't much space for you, you knew that no one really wanted you to live with them. You didn't want to burden your friends with suddenly moving in.
Your father and elder sister who both you haven't seen for much of your life. Only a few times a year at most if you were that lucky. You didn't understand why your father didn't raise you or was in your life much. Hopefully there wasn't a big secret you were kept from. Shaking your head slightly ignoring the negative thoughts the best you could. You didn't have time for this, you didn't have time to spiral into all consuming negative thoughts.
You felt a bit uncomfortable sitting on the subway with your bags of belongings. Besides there was just too many people, it was an especially awkward and uncomfortable feeling knowing people kept occasionally staring at you. They were curious, that you knew. Biting your lip and looking down at your phone checking the address of your new home while checking the time. It was 8:10pm. A little late but not too bad. The subway train screeched to a halt as it stopped.
Shifting the 4 bags you brought with you to make them easier to carry. They were rather heavy but it really didn't bother you due to you gaining muscle from your previous job. Now finally it was time to start searching for the apartment building you were gonna stay in. You knew you were close so you obsessively checked the building numbers as you went, as soon as you left the subway station walking at a quick pace.
It took a few hours to find it thanks to a bad sense of direction and needing to stop and eat. It was cooler and darker out now. It was early fall and the autumn weather was finally settling in. Looking up at the building and sighing feeling like you had just run a marathon with how long you were walking.

"Finally...I made it..." you said with relief and a sigh of annoyance.

Stepping into the building and walking up to the apartment. Lugging up your bags and finally knocking, your nerves building up with anxiety, you haven't seen your sister or father in well over a year at this point. After a few moments a young man opened the door. He had jet black clearly dyed hair styled in a long shaggy mullet, black punk and alternative clothes. He honestly looked kinda cool and rather chill.

"Who are you?" He asked, leaning on the doorframe. Speaking in a cool relaxed manner.

"(Y/n) O'neil" you said shifting the bags on your shoulder. Feeling the painful pull of the heavy bags on your shoulders and back after so many hours of carrying them.

"O'neil huh, you must be related to April...oh yea she said she had a family member coming" he spoke half to himself.

"I'm her younger sibling" You spoke to clear up any possible confusion.

"Well April is out currently as well as her dad, im apartment sitting." He muttered thinking of something before leaning away from the doorframe.

"I'm guessing you're not going to let me in until She gets back?" You sigh pessimistically, pushing loose strands of (H/L) hair out of the way, getting annoyed by the fact that your hair was brushing up against your face and tickling you

"Man, I'm not gonna let you stay out there. But it's not my choice to let you in or not" He spoke, sounding honest. pulling his phone and his wallet out of his back pocket.

"I see...thanks" You huff and start to walk away.

"Wait, hold on. Here's 40. Hopefully it helps cover a motel. There's one a few blocks away" the young man spoke handing you 40 dollars before you turned away completely.

"Thanks a lot, I almost wouldn't have enough!" You smiled at him as you drudged down the stairs. as sleep crept in the bags now felt so much heavier. Now you had to find a hotel room for cheap and on such short notice. This was going to be a long night. Walking out of the apartment building yawning. You pulled out your own phone and looked up the motel he suggested. With the money he gave you and what you had would cover you for the night. Not wanting to sleep on the streets you made your way quickly to the motel. Stepping inside the office you quickly got yourself a room. You rushed over to the room eager to sleep.
Unlocking the door you stepped inside. Setting the bags on the other bed. You laid down and checked the time again, it was 11:20pm. It was too early to fall asleep, you grabbed your phone charger and plugged it into the socket. Grabbing your Bluetooth headphones you hopped in on a discord call with a few friends.



CatsInTheGalaxy (Y/n): Jacky I will as soon as I get settled and start working for awhile *laughing a bit*

Kibblestherat: if you weren't yelling Jacky, I could be asking questions. Anyways I'm glad you're in NYC now you can be closer to some of us.

GreenLizard: Yea lovebirds, you're taking (Y/n) away from us.

CatsInTheGalaxy: you live in Canada!
GreenLizard: soooo


TheitBoy: Rose is again not paying attention.
CatsInTheGalaxy: You're all just super boring....Arne I sent you a bunch of screenshots of the area I'm going to live in. Is it close to your work?

Kibblestherat: oh hell yea! You're just down the road. You really need to check the boba shop out!!!

*The call continued for several more hours*

CatsInTheGalaxy: I need to head to bed, it's late.

RosiePosie: it's not that late it's only 10:57
Kibblestherat:'s 2:57 for us remember?

RosiePosie: oh ya, I'll be on gta with Katelynn

GreenLizard: see ya 3 later!

CatsInTheGalaxy: *leaves call*

TheitBoy: *joins call with Kibblestherat*

Kibblestherat: *in private call with TheitBoy*


You rolled over to the side and tried sleeping, it was already too late. Hopefully you could actually get ahold of April or Kirby in the morning. You already knew you were gonna move out as soon as possible. You didn't want to trouble them and longer than you had to. The rest of the night was spent tossing and turning on a lumpy uncomfortable mattress, half asleep and at your wits end. The thin walls did nothing to disguise the neighbors arguing and the other neighbors loudly love making.

((Word count 1253))

-what (Y/n) is wearing-

-what (Y/n) is wearing-

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