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Candice's pov:
After one week of taking rest. I decided to start going college.
I packed my bag, and kept it ready for tomorrow.
I sighed as i sat in my bed. I wanted to message harry and ask him how he is.

C:Hey harry:)
H:Hey candy:)
C:How are you?
H:I'm good, my wounds are healed alot now, what about you?
C:That's nice to hear. Well about me I'm all good and I'm starting to go college from tomorrow.
H:Ok that's nice:)
C:When are you coming to college?
H:Umm i don't really know actually?
C:Hahaha it's ok, but I'll miss you:(
H:I'll miss you too:(
C:Anyways i need to sleep now to wake up early so bye good night sweet dreams:)
H:Bye Candice good night sweet dreams:)

I hate the fact that harry is not starting college so soon. But what i should do. I really hope he gets well soon. I closed my eyes and i felt myself drifting off to sleep.

In college///
I walked in the college and everyone where just looking at me from top to bottom, it made me feel embarassed so i just looked straight and bit my lip. When i reached my class, my class teacher was there "good morning mam" i wished her "good morning candice how are you feeling""I'm good now""that's nice and what about harry""umm he'll come to college after a few days until he's fully healed""ok" i nodded and went and sat in my place.

I seen Thomas and his girlfriend i just rolled my eyes at them. Bustards.
He came and sat next to me, i knew this was some kind of trick of his and he is thinking I'll fall for it. I ignored him and looked in my book in order to avoid this creep.

While in the Chemistry lab////
I was alone today in the chemistry lab. I missed harry so much. I'm craving to see his face, to hear his voice. I don't even know what is happening to me. I felt tears forming in my eyes. I wanted to see him. I feel like something bad is going to happen. I don't know what. "good morning students""good morning mam" "so I'm very happy that by next you guys are going do your practicals and then your lab activity, i hope that you'll are preparing well for it" i sighed when i knew that me and harry just started to learn but i don't know what's next. "Are you'll working well with your partners" "yes mam". I miss you so much harry.

 I miss you so much harry

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