Episode 1 || The Myth

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Maddie Woke up from her bed and went down stairs and saw Louis and Mia.
"Morning Maddie" Louis and Mia said
"Morning guys" Said Maddie
Maddie makes toast and watches Tv with Louis and Mia
Josie and Mateo's house
Josie Woke up and put on the Tv while Mateo Made them Breakfast and he also Watched Tv while they both are "Thanks Mateo" Josie said
"Any time" Mateo Said
Gilbert's House
Gilbert woke up and made some breakfast.
"What a boring house just with me and not Maddie or my doll" Gilbert Said
Maddie and Louis
Maddie left the house to go get everyone while Mia and Louis got ready "I love you so much" Louis said to Mia. "Love you to" Mia said.
Louis leaned in for a kiss and Mia would to.
They kissed for about a Minute and then they got ready.
The car
Maddie picked Gilbert up first then Josie and Mateo then the rest when they got outside of Maddie's house she beeped while Mia and Louis Came out the house want went into the car. "I can't wait for the Supposedly Cursed house"

Next Episode
Episode 2 || The Hotel

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