Episode 2 || The Hotel

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They got to the hotel in a hurry and quickly had lunch and headed out for the day at Mini Golf
"Great time right?" Mia Asked
"Yeah" Maddie said
"Sure.." Louis said
"Yep" everyone else said
"Louis do you ever get any worse at Golf?"
Maddie Asked
"No stop annoying me and leave me alone" Louis said
"You gonna cry?" Maddie Said
Louis slapped her and she punched him back
"Loser" Maddie said
"At least I don't have a thing for a Weirdo"
Louis said
"hey!" Gilbert said
Maddie grabbed Louis's hair and dragged him to the next Flag
Louis grabbed her arm and twisted it
"Ow!" Maddie said
"Hah" Louis said with a proud Smile
"Guys stop" Mia said
Louis slapped Maddie again
Mia would grab Maddie
"Maddie stop" Mia said
"Oh getting held by someone so sad" Louis Said
"UGH just shut up" Maddie said and pulled Mia off and started to Attack Louis
"Stop Maddie I'm sorry" Louis said
"Yes before I knock you both out" Gilbert and Josie said together
"Finally Gilbert you said something smart" Josie Said
"Louis say sorry" Josie Said
"Fine then I'll let Maddie attack"
Maddie would pounce on him while Mia would try pull her off.
Maddie kept punching Louis's face and gave him a black eye then Louis knocked her over to the group and started punching her back 10 times harder.
"Stop!" Maddie would scream in fear.
"Louis Way to far" Everyone would say except Mia she would stay Quiet.
Maddie's face would be bleeding very bad and Josie offered to take her to the hospital but she refused.
"Last whole" Louis said

Next episode
Episode 3 || Whole 18

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