Episode 3 || Hole 18

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Maddie would go first and miss the whole Golf ball.
"HAHA" Louis said
"Stop it" Mia said while hitting his back
Maddie would try again and do a Hole in One
"OH MY GOD" Louis said
Maddie's Vission would be Blurry and She'd black out.
Maddie's room
Maddie would wake up 2 hours later in her room.
"Am I ok?" She asked
"No" Louis said
"Yes you are" Gilbert said
"Louis has been annoying ever since you've blacked out" Josie Said
Mia and Louis would fall asleep in their room
So would Gilbert and Maddie
And the Rest in Their own Room.
A Skeleton would walk in while everyone was asleep and whisper into Maddie and Louis's ear
"Escape My World and you will probably die..."
Skeleton World
Maddie and Louis would wake up in different Worlds.
"Hello?" Maddie would ask
"Hello" Louis would ask
"Hello you two" the Skeleton would say
"Two?" Maddie and Louis said.
They would open the door and see each other.
They would run to each other and hug.
"Where are we?" Maddie Asked
"Dunno" Louis said
"Hello" The skeleton said and walked over to them.
They'd get flung to a tree made with Bones and stuff would stick them to the tree.
"Louis!!!!" Maddie would scream
"Maddie!" Louis would Shout
The Hotel
Gilbert and Mia would wake up.
"Maddie hey?" Gilbert said
Maddie's eyes would be small and Blue
Same with Louis's.
Gilbert would run to Mia and tell her what's wrong with Maddie Mia would show him Louis.
Gilbert would carry Maddie next to Louis.
Skeleton world
Maddie and Louis would get Injected with something sharp.
Maddie would start gushing blood
"Maddie!" Louis would shout while crying

Next Episode soon
Episode 4 || Trying to save Maddie and Louis

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