chapter 19

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The family sat around the table eating dinner. It was alot more quieter than usual. Emilia didn't really feel like talking, Damon was deep in thought, thinking about how he would kill his enemies. Dante and and Matteo were on their phones and Mason was eating quietly, he was thinking about how he could get revenge on Damon.

Alesandro had tried to get his kids to talk, but only received short answers usually yes or no.

He was more concerned about his daughter rather than his sons. Even when they were making dinner she was alot more quieter than usual.

Damon and Emilia hadn't even spoken yet, they always spoke even if it was just the odd insult.

"So Emilia, how are things with you and Luca"  Alesandro asked. He didn't like the boy but he would try to make an effort for his daughters sake.

This seemed to get everyone's attention "things are good" Emilia said.

Matteo and Dante shared a look, they had seen how she was with Antonio, she looked happy, something they rarely saw when she was sat with Luca at lunch.

They decided not to mention it, thinking she would most likely end things with Luca when she realises she likes Antonio.

"That's great, I know you're grounded but perhaps you could invite him over for dinner" Alesandro said.

"Why is she grounded" Damon asked.

"Water balloons, the boys put one in her locker so she did the same to them. The three of them have detention and are all grounded"  Alesandro explained.

Damon didn't look happy and Emilia couldn't help but avoid his cold gaze.

"Sorry" she couldn't help apologize.

Damon just nodded in response to her apology then he switched the topic again "I'd actually really like to meet this boy"

Emilia couldn't help but shudder, his words might have been nice but his tone told a different story.

"Are you in need of a new punch bag already"  mason asked switching to Italian.

"Not quite, he's still alive. I won't harm the boy though"  Damon replied also switching to Italian.

"You know one day you won't be able to switch language and have your secret conversations"  Emilia said.

"I suppose I will have to find a new language to have my secret conversations in"  Damon said this time he spoke in Russian.

Matteo and Dante laughed slightly at Emilia's expression. Mason smirked it was amusing to him.

"We know a few languages although Damon and I know slightly more than the rest" Alesandro replied.

"Like what " Emilia asked.

"Well we all know Spanish, English and Italian. In addition Mason knows french. Damon and I also know french, russian and German "  Alesandro replied.

"That's 6 languages" she replied shocked that her father and brother knew so much.

"Yeah but don't worry, if you don't want to learn anymore languages we won't mind, if you do we will happily support you"

Emilia thought for a minute and decided to risk a comment which would help her determine if her brothers and father were in the Mafia. "I suppose I could learn a language none of you know and maybe have conversations about stalker stuff and serial killer stuff" she really did need to learn more Italian as she was certain they would most likely switch to Italian when they talked about stuff they didn't want her to know so it could involve the Mafia if they were part of it.

Suprisingly none of them reacted. There was no expression on their faces.

"Why serial killer stuff though, I understand the stalker joke is directed at Damon" Alesandro asked.

Damon rolled his eyes knowing she was going to insult him.

Emilia suddenly realised that the stalker jokes and the serial killer joke might not be just a joke.

She thought back to that day. The day they found her. She had heard the gunshots, she had seen them shooting. But that was self defense right?  Henry had lots of people and the people were all shooting at them, her brothers and father had to defend themselves.

Her mind suddenly went to the shot that sent Damon into a coma.

She looked over at Damon who was watching her and analysing her.  Damon was too nice to be a serial killer though? But he was scary enough to be one? Maybe he was?

But then there was Alesandro, her father, who straight up murdered Alice her mum.

But  then Alice had tried to shoot him. Henry had tried to shoot her.
And Lexi, her own twin had told Henry to shoot her.

"Emilia" Alesandro said getting concerned.

"Sorry I was just thinking about the best way to put it. It's just a joke since Damon always looks like he's planning a murder" Emilia quickly said covering up what she was actually thinking.

Damon rolled his eyes "I'll be planning yours next if you're not careful" he joked.

Everyone but Emilia looked at him in horror.

"Damon apologize to her now" Alesandro said.

"It's okay it's just like the stalker joke" Emilia said glaring at Damon.

"Yeah it's just a joke, after all I wouldn't tell her if I was planning her murder "

"Damon enough" Alesandro said getting a little annoyed.

"Don't worry Damon, next time you find yourself in a coma and no one is around I'll tell the doctors it's okay to pull the plug on you" Emilia said in such an innocent way.

Everyone was shocked at first then everyone but Damon started to laugh.

Damon, the big bad mafia boss had just been threatened by a teenager and his family found it highly amusing.
Of course if anyone else besides his family had said that, he would have shot them. But of course he would never do that to Emilia.

"I have some work to do" he stated getting up.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it" Emilia said not meaning for it to be taken so seriously.

"Of course you didn't you're just a brat" he said but made sure she knew he was joking.

"Serial killer" she muttered playfully glaring.

"I prefer the term mass murderer but I suppose serial killer fits too" he said and walked out.

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