chapter 34

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"Kids wake up breakfast is ready" Alesandro shouted from the bottom of the stairs. He went back to the kitchen and poured himself some coffee. Only a few minutes later did his children start to come in.

Damon was first, he was already fully awake and ready for the day. He had stuck to his father's rule about no suits but since they were going into town he was wearing a black shirt, the top buttons undone slightly showing some if his tattoos with dark jeans. He chose semi formal so his father wouldn't complain. But despite his more casual attire you could easily see how much power he had.

Mason next who was also ready for the day. He of course wore short sleeves like most days when he wasn't at Damons work place so the tattoos on his arms were almost always visible.

Matteo, Dante and Emilia came in looking half asleep and definitely not ready for the day.

"I made pancakes" Alesandro exclaimed trying to wake his children up.

Dante rolled his eyes pouring himself a coffee. He was too tired for his dad's cheery mood.

Emilia got her breakfast from the counter and  sat herself next to Alesandro who smiled, pleased to have his daughter sit near him.

"Did you sleep well Emilia" he asked.

"Yeah I did thank you" Emilia replied.

"That's great" he enthused.

"We slept well too dad" Dante said. He wasn't bothered that his dad didn't ask him he just figured he'd add it for a response out if him.

"That's good. We wil head into town in a few hours so make sure you get ready after breakfast "

Emilia happily nodded. Her brothers weren't that excited they had been there plenty of times but Emilia was looking forward to it.

"Decide amongst yourselves who's going in my car and who's going in Damon's" Alesandro said.

"Emilia is coming with me " Damon said before anyone could make a decision.

Alesandro nodded "Dante can with you, I'll take Matteo and Mason " 

After breakfast everyone went to get ready but Alesandro pulled Dante to the side.

"Is everything okay" Dante asked.

"Everything is fine. I don't particularly like the drama but whatever drama happens please let me know"

Dante smirked and nodded "I'll let you know"

So Alesandro was well aware of the jokes the three of them shared but he especially enjoyed hearing the back and fourth between Emilia and Damon so that's why he chose Dante to go with them so he could find out what was being said.

And maybe a small part of him knew Dante would create some drama.

Time skip

Damon being protective made sure he was right by Emilia's side when they left the cabin and went to the car. He didn't make it so obvious though.

When they got in the car, Dante chose the front passanger seat and Emilia chose the back seat.

It was quiet for about 5 minutes before Dante decided to talk. He spoke mainly to Emilia and then he turned his attention to Damon "I remember the days when it was just you me and that bitch, you were alot more fun back then, kinda driving like a old man right now" Dante said.

Damon rolled his eyes, he was known to be a reckless driver, he took part in street racing occasionally and always won. He couldn't help but tighten his grip on the steering wheel when Dante mentioned Lexi.
"Emilia is here" he said clearly forcing himself to sound not angry.

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