Where The Middle Starts... Part 2

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Found this super funny pic on Pinterest lol who do you think Lily would like/bond with more?

Lily's pov

We had been sailing for a short while now, grandpa ryu was asleep on the raft tied to the ship. Ussop and Luffy tried asking him if he remembered where Lost Island was after Nami said it's not on any map. He didn't answer and went right back to sleep. Apis and Sanji came out with a pot of steaming food. But none of us got to try it since my idiotic brother grabbed it barehanded and dropped it on grandpa ryu's head. As Apis was cleaning him she exclaimed that grandpa ryu remembered where Lost Island is. Somewhere east of her home.

We set out to head east. The boys were doing dishes so I sat with Luffy on Merrys head. It was fun at first, till he asked me a question. "Hey Lily, now that we're alone...will you finally tell me about Arlong?"

He didn't forget as I'd hoped. And now I have to have the hardest conversation. I looked down and away at first, not being to meet his eyes. "Um, well, remember when Ace left and I tried to follow after him? And Kiba brought me home?"

"Yea I remember, you had me scared for days."

"I'm sorry." I finally looked at, tears brimming my eyes. He wiped them for me.

"It's ok, you know you can tell me anything. I'll never hate you." There was a moment of silence as I tried to collect the courage to tell him.

"Well...I was floating at sea and finally came across an island. It happened to be Nami's home. And I showed up recently after Arlong took over." His face looked worried. "Arlong wanted me on his crew but I refused and ran. He tried to hunt me down and that's when....when Leo came and saved me." His eyes widened in shock. "He told me everything was gonna be ok and I rode on his back as he ran to the beach. He had a little ship waiting. Arlong and his men were hot on our tails; so...he put on the boat and pushed it far out to see right before Arlong got him. He sent two Fishman after me as he held Leo by the neck and...." I stopped. The tears pouring down my face. He wrapped his arms around me and with a stern face told me to finish. I could tell he was getting pissed all over again. "Luffy," I cried. "Arlong, he...he killed him...right in front of me. The last thing I saw was Leo's smile. That's when Kiba showed up and rescued me and brought me home."

I looked up at him and his face was a mixture of anger and heartbreak. I could see the tears start to drop. I wiped them with my tail. He caressed my cheek and said, "Sweetheart I'm so, so sorry. I'm sorry it happened, I'm sorry I wasn't there."

"You would've been in the same situation as me if not worse. I'm glad you weren't there. But it's all my fault. If I didn't stupidly go looking for Ace this never would've happened! Leo never would've died! His blood is on my hands forever." I was balling into his shirt and he held me as tight as he could.

"Shhhh, it's ok it's ok. Thank you for finally telling me, I'm sorry I made you relive it. It's all gonna be ok. Leo doesn't hate you for it, neither do Kiba or me. Besides think of it this way. You honored his memory by defeating Arlong. You kicked his ass and made him pay. You did that." He comforted me and held me for what felt like hours but was only a few minutes as had a new problem on our hands.

Suddenly we came across this ship that looked weird. As Merry got closer we saw that it was our reflection and she passed right through it.on the other side was a sea with a much darker sky. Out of nowhere it started storming. The storm was so strong it knocked the knots off the ropes tying grandpa ryu to the ship. When Luffy and I got there Zoro and Apis were struggling to keep hold of the ropes. So we each stretched an arm and lassoed it around the cart, gripping onto him. We held on the whole ride till we got out of the storm.

We made it to an island in the eye of the storm. Everything had calmed down and was sunny again. When we landed we saw stonework that looked like dragons. We decided to head to the top of the island to get the best view and see if we spot the dragons nest. When we got to the top we fell through the floor and landed inside the building we were trying to get into. On the ceiling was a painting. Nami said it was of people who used to worship the millennial dragons and are probably Apis's ancestors. She said according to the image the dragons nest should be on Warship Island. Which makes absolutely no sense.

Apis plead to grandpa ryu to remember where the nest is. At her pleas he suddenly remembered. I don't know how, but, somehow Luffy and I were both able to hear when he spoke. The nest was on Warship Island.

As we were getting ready to leave that sickle sickle fruit guy showed up. He had heard us and was going after grandpa ryu again. This time my man Zoro is here so he's screwed. Luffy ram into the wall and inadvertently made a hole for us to escape. Zoro said he'd catch up as he gave us the chance to run. He's so brave.

"Kick his ass baby!! I'll see you soon." I could see him blush from here. I shifted into my wolf figure and grabbed the rope in my mouth and pulled everyone along for a ride as I ran. At the speed I went and the incline, the cart was moving faster than I could run so I hopped on and shifted back to enjoy the ride with Luffy. He smiled over at me warmly, then scratched behind my ear.

We somehow made it safely to the ship, Ussop, Nami, and Sanji were thrown off the cart and landed in the water getting soaked. Sanji looked pissed till I showed a smile and went gaga over me again. I love him.

Apis freaked me out when she said a bird told her Zoro was in big trouble. I instantly felt my adrenaline spike. I took some binoculars and and found in fighting with that weirdo on a cliff. "ZOROOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" I shouted his name at the top of my lungs as I stretched my tail out to wrap around him and pulled him back to the ship. He came crashing in. "Whoops...sorry." I laughed. He said if I ever did that again he'd chop me into little pieces. I just laughed more knowing he won't and that I will most definitely will be doing it again.

We started making our way back to Warship Island when we came across and huge marine ship. Behind it were several more, almost a whole fleet. They connected to each other in chains and began to fire at us. The only plan we could come up with was to directly attack the ships and destroy the barricade. I made a bridge with my arm and Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji ran across. Although I had to convince Sanji cause he didn't want to 'walk across a lady's arm'. When they were across I jumped up and left myself be pulled. I collided right into Zoro. "Nice catch babe!" He was speechless.

Zoro was getting ready to cut the steel chains when a bunch of marines surrounded us.Luffy and I took the ones on the right while Sanji took the ones on the left and Zoro focused on cutting the chains. We kicked the marines ass by the bucketload. Unfortunately while we were fighting that sickle guy showed up and took Apis and the dragon hostage. Zoro told us not to do anything cause they were in danger.

We watched from the ship as sickle threw Apis into the boat, angering grandpa ryu. He actually stood up. He knocked sickle guy off the boat and let out an ear piercing sound. I didn't know he could be so loud. When he finished it woke Apis back up. The marines kept firing and it caused grandpa ryu to finally be able to fly again. He headed straight for the main ship but got shot down as he got close. Luffy and I jumped over to him.

He started talking about dying and we weren't having it. "We won't let anything happen to Apis I swear on my life. And we'll make sure you get back to the dragons nest. Now promise us you'll stay alive." I said.

Sorry it's a little short but I wanted to get you guys a chapter out❤️😊LMK in the comments who you think Lily would pick or like better Shanks or Rayleigh? Personally I think her response would be, "Why can't I do both?" With her puppy dog eyes. Lol

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